Call for papers (please excuse multiple listings)

Dr Adrian Carr a.carr at UWS.EDU.AU
Mon Aug 13 22:18:41 UTC 2001

Journal of  Managerial Psychology

Call for Papers for a Special Issue

Managing in a psychoanalytically informed manner

To be published in 2002

Guest Editor:	Adrian Carr - University of Western Sydney

The Journal of Managerial Psychology is seeking original
contributions from academics, practitioners and consultants for a
special issue that explores the contribution psychoanalytic theory
can make to those charged with the responsibility of managing in work
organisations.  Sigmund Freud and his followers have emphasized the
importance of unconscious and emotional factors in individual and
social life. This special issue is giving priority to those
contributors who demonstrate how psychoanalytic theory gives us a
deeper understanding of the unconscious motivation and meaning of
behaviours and processes in the work organisation setting and how
this understanding is relevant to the everyday tasks of managers. In
emphasizing the relevance of such psychoanalytic theory to managers,
contributors are asked to address themselves to the more typical
behaviours and processes rather than the aberrant, deviant,
exceptional or pathological.

In addressing any issue relevant to managing in organisations,
contributors may choose to focus at the individual, group or
organizational level and draw their analysis from any of the
psychoanalytic schools of thought including Lacanian, Kleinian,
Jungian etc. In selecting manuscripts for inclusion in this special
issue,  the guest editor will be attempting to display the broad
utility of psychoanalytic theory to a variety of management  issues.

It is intended that this special issue of JMP will be Number 8 of
Volume17 (published in 2002) and the guest editor would like
submissions no later than December 14, 2001. Contributors should send
their manuscripts by email to Dr Adrian Carr at the following
address: a.carr at
Dr Adrian Carr
Principal Research Fellow, Organization Studies & Applied Social Sciences
School of Applied Social and Human Sciences
University of Western Sydney

Visiting Research Fellow
Faculty of Medicine
Centre for Hospital Management and Information Systems Research
University of New South Wales

Contact details:
School of Applied Social and Human Sciences
University of Western Sydney
Parramatta Campus [Room EMG 24]
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith South DC
New South Wales 1797

Tel: 02-9685 9081
Fax: 02-9685 9009
Email: a.carr at

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