Introduction/ issue

Martin Doering 320055575913-0005 at T-ONLINE.DE
Fri Dec 21 11:22:24 UTC 2001

Dear colleagues,
we are very happy to announce right before Christmas that the first issue of is now available online ( There you can
find the following articles and reviews:

Blank, Andreas: Words and Concepts in Time: Towards Diachronic Cognitive 				

Bollacher, Michael: "La mer souveraine de tout" - Zur Metaphorik des Meeres bei 		    		    		
		    Pierre Loti und Guy de Maupassant

Dirven, René: The Metaphoric in Recent Cognitive Approaches to English Phrasal 	      	

Radden, Günter: The Folk Model of Language

Settekorn, Wolfgang: Media and Metaphors: The Case of Virtual Wandering and
                     Stationary Movement

Brown, Michael P. (2000): Closet Space - Geographies of Metaphor from the Body
			  to the Globe. Routledge: London (by Martin Döring)

Kopp, Richard R. (1995): Metaphor Therapy. Using Cliente-Generated Metaphors in
		         Psychotherapy. Bristol: Brunner/Mazel (by Rudolf

Martens, Ekkehard (2000): Der Faden der Ariadne oder warum alle Philosophen
			  spinnen. Leipzig: Reclam. (by Dietmar Osthus)

Every article is available in html as well as in pdf format.

We wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

All the best, in the name of the editorial staff,

Martin Döring and Dietmar Osthus

Martin Döring				Dietmar Osthus
Universität Hamburg			Universität Bonn
Institut für Romanistik			Romanisches Seminar
Von Melle Park 6			Am Hof 1
20146 Hamburg				53111 Bonn
Germany					Germany
Phone: 0049/(0)40- 422 47 60		Phone: 0049/(0)228-73 39 70
Mail: doering at		Mail: osthus at

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