[Fwd: Full info on Crosstalk video]

Christian Nelson cnelson at COMM.UMASS.EDU
Fri May 18 14:45:43 UTC 2001

Hi folks:
Here's some info. re: crosstalk that was posted on the LingAnth list a
couple years ago. Hope it is still good.
--Christian Nelson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Full info on Crosstalk video
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 19:21:51 -0700
From: "Norma Mendoza-Denton" <nmd at u.arizona.edu>
To: <linganth at cc.rochester.edu>,"John Gumperz"
<gumperz at education.ucsb.edu>

Here is some more information on how to get the "Crosstalk" video and
others in
that series, all  tracked down for us by none other than Dr. Gumperz
himself! I
have appended to this the full text of information he sent me... He
would also
like to know how to subscribe to the linganth list, could someone please
that info?


Norma Mendoza-Denton

John Gumperz wrote:

> Dear Dr. Mendoza Denton,
> thank you for your answer about linganth. In the meantime I have gotten an
> online copy of the crosstalk information from John Twitchin, which I am
> attaching to this message.
> Best,
> John Gumperz

FAX to John Gumperz

Dear John, Re Crosstalk.
[I have spent some miserable hours on phone to various bits of the BBC!
There are
three different department; no cross referral; some videos are
discontinued; some
notes/manuals are no longer in print. Confusion reigns; changes happen
every few

Video packages for Crosscultural Communication

The following videos contain documentary evidence and analysis of
communication, mainly in workplace contexts, and are widely used in
worldwide. All include case studies of authentic cross-cultural
scripted drama—so carrying credibility as trigger resources for analysis
courses in linguistics and communication. 1-5 are rooted in applied
sociolinguistic research, with Professor John Gumperz of University of
at Berkeley as consultant. All are accompanied by comprehensive manuals
trainers and tutors which give background to this subject area; detailed
ways of
using the videos interactively; more points of analysis than can be
on-screen; a range of group exercises and discussion points; handouts;
resources, and bibliographies.

For information about obtaining copies of these videos and training
manuals for
teaching purposes, contact their producer, John Twitchin, at The Centre
Intercultural Development, 27, Langland Gardens, London, NW3 6QE, UK.
Phone: 44
(0) 171 431 1712, OR Fax: 44 (0) 171 431 6080.

1.  Crosstalk (Mosaic) 30 mins.  The most widely used introduction to
cross-cultural communication: originally made in 1979, revised and
extended in
1991 [if ordering from BBC ask specifically for this 1991 version].
Features South
Asian cultures in case studies of recruitment interviewing and of public

Available (1999) as video only for £65 [for o’seas; £65 + VAT in UK]
Plus postage
from BBC Videos for Education and Training, 80 Wood Lane, London W12
OTT. Make
clear that you want it only for non-profit educational use. For USA, ask
for copy
made in NTSC format; this costs an additional £30.00. To place credit
card order
ring 44 (0) 181 576 2541, or Fax: 44 (0) 181 576 2916.

For information re 72-page support manual for "Crosstalk" contact John

2.  Crosstalk at Work.  Package of 2x30 mins videos + 94-page trainer’s
featuring East Asian cultures in performance appraisal interviews and
South Asian
and African-Caribbean in recruitment interviews. [Bronze Prize, Training
Awards, 1992.]

Available £195 [in UK + VAT] plus postage from BBC for Business, 80,
Wood Lane,
London W12 OTT.  Tel: 44 (0) 181 2361. USA can order NTSC versions
direct from
London, OR from
Canada:  BBC Worldwide Americas, 65 Heward Ave, Toronto, Ontario M4M
2T5.  Tel:
(416) 469 1505.  Australia: BBC Worldwide Australasia, 11th Fl, 50 Berry
St., N.
Sydney, NSW 2060.  Tel: (02) 957 6933.

3.  Mosaic—Recruitment Interviewing Across Cultures.  45 mins, featuring
S. Asian
and African-Caribbean cultures. [This is the full training version of
shown only in much reduced form in Part Two of "Crosstalk at Work."]
Make clear
it is for non-profit educational use.

UK and o’seas orders: £50 from BBC Videos for Education and Training
(credit card
orders as in 1 above). NTSC format for USA costs additional £40.00.

Essential 74-page manual for trainers/tutors:  £5 + postage from
Support Services, PO Box 7, London W12 8UD.  CC orders: (44)
0990-100789. For
information:  (44) 0161 277 7000, ask for "BBC materials."

4.  Mosaic—Conselling and Advice Across Cultures.  50 mins,
"fly-on-the-wall" case
studies from public advice services, featuring S. Asian cultures.  Plus
manual for trainers and tutors by Celia Roberts.  More details:  cf.

5.  Performance Appraising Across Cultures.  (Mosaic—Crosstalk 2) 30
mins. £65
from BBC Videos plus postage (as 1 above). [Original documentary
material of Part
1 of "Crosstalk at Work."]  USA: ask for NTSC format; this will cost

For information re print support, "Mosaic Year 2 Notes," cf. John

6.  Mosaic—Attitudes to Islam.  45 mins, video package with 48-page
training/teaching manual; examines misunderstandings through eyes of
non-Muslim teachers and health workers living and working in an Islamic

Information, cf. John Twitchin.

7.  Mosaic—Evidence Unseen.  30 mins video and 56-page manual, made for
of magistrates and police. Includes improvised drama to demonstrate
nature of
common misunderstandings when young people of African-Caribbean
background are
involved in formal interviews. Information, cf. John Twitchin.

8.  What Makes You Say That?—Cultural Diversity at Work.  3 videos, each
60 mins
long, PLUS 150-page manual for trainers and tutors [first broadcast on
TV, 1997].

1.  The Business Advantage.  2.  Asian Encounters.  3.  Success in
(Parts 2 and 3 include genuine cross-cultural meetings/negotiations
Australian, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, and Vietnamese managers,
filmed in
Hanoi, Jakarta, Semarang, Sydney, Melbourne.)

To purchase whole three hours (£850 + postage) [copies in NTSC format:
£100] in UK and rest of EEC, USA, Canada: from CI-CD, 27 Langland
Gardens, London
NW3 6QE.  Tel: (44) (0) 171 431 1712, or Fax: (44) (0) 171 431 6080.

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