
Groenewald Jeannette, Me jgroen at SUN.AC.ZA
Sat Sep 15 16:48:09 UTC 2001

Dear Discours-ers
Thank you for accepting me onto the list. I hold a Master's in Psychology of
Education, a field in which I did my first research into reading development
in South Africa. My teaching history has (roughly) been in Language
Education (mainly for teacher training) and Applied Linguistics (as a
theoretical basis for teaching a Master's in Language Education). I have
specialised in Academic Development (of necessity), Language Planning,
Cognition and Writing (of interest), although in South Africa most language
specialists have tended to be generalists. I also spent some years in
Communication (read Composition as in the States). At present I teach
courses in research and academic writing and offer consultation to
post-graduate students, and sociolinguistics to undergraduates. My research
papers tend to reflect this haphazard scene. It must be clear though that
discourse analysis forms a thread of coherence through these experiences and
interests. At present I am applying my critical faculties to thesis writing
and supervision.
Warm regards
Jeannette Groenewald
Research and Writing Adviser
RULCI (Research Unit for Legal and Constitutional Interpretation)
Dept. of Public Law
University of Stellenbsoch
Private Bag X1
Tel:  808-4819 / 886-6558
Cell:  082 771 8877

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