attachment solutions

LMF lfontaine at TEASER.FR
Fri Feb 1 12:22:34 UTC 2002

At 16:20 01/02/02 +0400, you wrote:
>>LMF wrote:
>> If such an option is acceptable

>As far as I know, that is already an option at yahoogroups. Documents and such can be already archived, and that can be set up by the list owner.

yes, right. I meant if such an option is acceptable to the members of "Discours" ( = us!), but for the yahoogroups options to be used as a resource for handling files, and not to replace this listserv.  To do this, someone would have to subscribe everyone, or have individuals do so themselves, and whoever the list owner of the yahoogroup is would have to handle uploading the files.



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