Linguistics Grad Programs

Miriam Meyerhoff mhoff at LING.ED.AC.UK
Fri Oct 18 07:40:41 UTC 2002

If the student is not committed to staying in the US, there are of
course some very good programs in the UK. Loughborough (*lots* of
good people in social psych etc.), Lancaster (lx), Sunderland (Media
Studies) and University of London (Education) among others, and
depending on his particular interests, University of Edinburgh.

The UK system is a bit different: you either apply directly to do a
PhD (needs quite specific topic already) or you do a one-year taught
MSc which then converts into your first year of a PhD.

Wish him luck, mm

>I am advising a student who wants to pursue a graduate degree in linguistics
>and is particularly interested in issues of language and power.  His B.A. is
>a joint degree in Anthropology and General Linguistics here at the
>University of Arizona.   What would be some good places I could recommend he
>apply to?
>Grace Fielder
>University of Arizona


Miriam Meyerhoff
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
University of Edinburgh
40 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LL
Scotland, UK

ph (131) 651-1836
fax (131) 650-3962

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