
Susan Herring susan at LING.UTA.EDU
Sat Sep 28 22:38:36 UTC 2002


My name is Susan Herring and I study all kinds of discourse
but mainly computer-mediated discourse for the past 10 years.
I've developed an approach called Computer-Mediated Discourse
Analysis (CMDA); you can find the syllabus for the graduate
course I teach on the topic at Indiana University at:

The syllabus contains references to some of my published work
on CMDA.

Before moving to my current academic position in Information
Science at Indiana University, I was the resident "discourse
faculty" in the Linguistics Program at the University of Texas
at Arlington for eight years, where I taught courses on Spoken
Discourse, Text Analysis, Discourse and Ideology, Critical
Discourse Analysis, Language and Gender, and Functional-
Typological Grammar (or, as one of my students fondly dubbed
it, "Funky Type Grammar").

My current research interests include gender in emergent
(especially multimodal) CMC technologies, coherence in synchronous
CMC, and language change on the Internet, including the effects of
the Internet on the global linguistic ecology.



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