Valery Belyanin
Vbelyanin at MTU-NET.RU
Tue Apr 22 12:43:47 UTC 2003
Dear TheDiscourseStudiesListSubscribers
Psychologists say that we always have a definite attitude towards all
that surrounds us. Animals, weather, people, politicians
What about the sounds of the English language?
The project SoundLetter is based on phonosemantic and psycholinguistic
assumptions that every sound and every letter may be pleasant or unpleasant,
round or sharp, cold or hot, etc.
Already a large group of people all over the world has participated in
the first phase of our experiment with Semantic Differential scale
which was aimed at evaluating the sounds of the English language.
Now the second phase is launched. The full experiment will take you about 25 minutes.
And those who have passed all the test will soon be able to submit an
English word and to get the evaluation of its phonetic image.
The introduction to the experiment is on the page
and the instruction to the experiment is on page
Please, help the new vision of the language become a reality.
Best regards, Val Belianine mailto:val at
AlmEx Enterprises
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