
Andrew Kanyegirire g00k1936 at CAMPUS.RU.AC.ZA
Sun May 2 11:21:05 UTC 2004

Hi Laila,

andrew @ rhodes univ- welcome, am a recent subscriber myself still trying to
find my way as well. interestingly with exclusion of your emphasis on
postcolonial work...ave just kickstarted a phd project based on the same CDA
aka fairclough focus is texts on 'NEPAD' a key development
framework for Africa.


Quoting LailaHelmi <lailahelmi at GAWAB.COM>:

> Hi there.
> I just subscribed to DISCOURS,
> and therefore haven’t “found my way” around yet. I’m and
> Assistant Lecturer (that is an MA holding teaching assistant) at
> the English Dept., Faculty of Arts,

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