From Gulf to Gulf

Christian Nelson cnelson at COMM.UMASS.EDU
Wed Sep 7 10:54:47 UTC 2005

> Presumably they did not anticipate having their evacuation personnel 
> fired upon by hurricane survivors. Or is this a routine occurrence in 
> the aftermath of a hurricane?

It's hard to say what the motivations of the ALLEGED shooters may have 
been. Could be that they were looters looking to fend off help--the 
longer a disaster stays a disaster, the better for looters. Some have 
suggested  that the shooters were trying to get the helicopters to 
focus on neighboring families rather than the hospital, while some 
coverage also suggests that some survivors were so mad at the 
government for having failed to help them that they would rather die 
trying to survive on their own than allowing what might be questionably 
motivated help.
--Christian Nelson

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