From Gulf to Gulf

Christian Nelson cnelson at COMM.UMASS.EDU
Thu Sep 8 12:23:32 UTC 2005

Yesterday I heard an interesting lay discourse analysis by a "Katrina 
survivor." She vehemently preferred that label to "refugee," saying 
that the latter made her and the other survivors sound like immigrants 
in their own land. I think this is the link to the report (I can't 
confirm because I can't get the recording to play back.):

Re: the claimed NPR story about the doctor documenting the shooting of 
a helicopter attempting to evacuate one of NO's public hospital, I 
recall an interview of a doctor who worked at both Tulane U. hospital 
and the public hospital, but I recollect that the doctor only provided 
second hand confirmation of the claimed shooting(s). Whether the 
shooting(s) happened or not, the following report is interesting--it 
indicates that many of the stories about violence perpetrated by the 
hurricane survivors are bunk:

BTW, I'm not trying to spin out a conspiracy theory about the reports 
of the alleged shootings. However, conspiracy theories sometimes get a 
bad rap. An early justification for the National Guard's killing of 
unarmed students  at Kent State was that a shot had come from the 
direction of the students, as seemingly proven by alleged presence of a 
student with a hand gun who was taken into custody. I heard (on NPR 
perhaps) some years ago that that gun was soon "lost" by the police and 
the student soon released without being charged, only to resurface as 
an appointee in the Nixon administration. Makes you wonder.

Christian Nelson

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