
Shen Sanshan shens at HKUSUA.HKU.HK
Sat Jul 8 03:19:02 UTC 2006

Hello, everyone here!

I have been interested in stance realization in Chinese table tennis commentary
(CTTC) for years. According to my database covering the international
competitions between China and the overseas, the commentator from CCTV (China
Central Television) usually favours the Chinese side in delivering his

Now, based on my study, i have the following questions: Does a Korean or Swedish
commentator take similar stance in delivering his own commentary, that is,
favouring Korean or Swedish side? (quite possible but how) If he does, what are
the linguistic means and devices he usually uses? Are these means similar with
a CCTV commentator's? 

To answer these questions, i need

The recorded correspondent commentaries (with my data) such as the commentary on
the competition between Kim Taek Soo and Liu Guozheng (the fifth match of men's
team semi final of 46th World Table Tennis Championships) in Korean or the
commentary on the competition between Waldner and Kong Linghui (or between J.
Perrson and Liu Guoliang, the men's semi final of Syndey Olympics) in Swedish.

and i am sure that i cannot carry out such an investigation without the helps
from the rearchers with similar interest of stance realizaiont in discourse.
Any suggestions? Any things we can do together concerning this issue?

thanks in advance!

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