Book Announcement: The SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics

Ainsley, Michael Michael.Ainsley at SAGEPUB.CO.UK
Wed Sep 15 10:47:06 UTC 2010

Dear all, 

Apologies for any cross-posting, but just wanted to let you know about The SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics, which publishes later this month. 

You can have a have a look at a sample chapter here <> , and there's a full list of chapters and contributors below. I hope it's of interest!

If you're a book reviews editor for a journal and would like a review copy, please e-mail reviews at Any queries, drop me a note.

The SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics <> 
Ruth Wodak, Barbara Johnstone & Paul E Kerswill  

"A superb volume that weaves together the complex threads of sociological theory, linguistic analysis and practical application that characterise this important and influential field. The contributions offer a range and depth of coverage that is not found elsewhere. Highly recommended for all serious students of the social dimensions of language" - Ian Hutchby, Professor of Sociology, University of Leicester

"The best, the most complete and the most integrated handbook of sociolinguistics of the past decade. It is a collection well worth having, returning to again and again and constantly keeping within easy reach for frequent reference on the part of students and faculty alike" - Joshua A. Fishman, Emeritus Professor (Yeshiva University), NYU and Stanford University

"It is a tough challenge to do justice to such breadth and depth in one publication, but the editors have succeeded in compiling an impressive, structured collection of chapters covering a well-chosen range of key topics in sociolinguistics, and expertly written by leading sociolinguists. This will be an important and rewarding book for all those studying the social aspects of language" - Peter Garrett, Centre for Language and Communication Research, Cardiff University

Table of Contents:

Introduction - Ruth Wodak, Barbara Johnstone & Paul Kerswill
1. Ferguson and Fishman: Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language - Bernard Spolsky
2. Labov: Language Variation and Change - Kirk Hazen
3. Bernstein: Codes and Social Class - Gabrielle Ivinson
4. Dell Hymes and the Ethnography of Communication - Barbara Johnstone and William M. Marcellino
5. Gumperz and Interactional Sociolinguistics - Cynthia Gordon

6. Social Stratification - Christine Mallinson
7. Social Constructionism - Anthea Irwin
8. Symbolic Interactionism, Erving Goffman, and Sociolinguistics - Shari Kendall
9. Ethnomethodology and Membership Categorization Analysis - Robert Garot & Tim Berard
10. The Power of Discourse and the Discourse of Power - José Antonio Flores Farfán & Anna Holzscheiter
11. Globalization Theory and Migration - Stef Slembrouck
12. Semiotics - Paul Kockelman

13. Individuals and Communities - Norma Mendoza-Denton
14. Social Class - Robin Dodsworth
15. Social Network - Eva Vetter
16. Sociolinguistic Approaches to Language Change: Phonology - Paul Kerswill
17. Social Structure, Language Contact and Language Change - Peter Trudgill
18. Sociolinguistics and Formal Linguistics - Gregory Guy
19. Attitudes, Ideology and Awareness - Tore Kristiansen
20. Historical sociolinguistics - Terttu Nevalainen
21. Fieldwork Methods in Language Variation - Walt Wolfram

22. Sociolinguistic Potentials of Face-to-Face Interaction - Helga Kotthoff
23. Doctor-Patient Communication - Florian Menz
24. Discourse and Schools - Luisa Martín Rojo
25. Courtroom Discourse - Susan Ehrlich
26. Analysing Conversation - Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen & Diana Slade
27. Narrative Analysis - Alexandra Georgakopoulou
28. Gender and Interaction - Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou
29. Interaction and the Media - Brigitta Busch & Petra Pfisterer

30. Societal Bilingualism - Mark Sebba 
31. Code-switching/mixing - Peter Auer 
32. Language Policy and Planning - Anne-Claude Berthoud & Georges Lűdi
33. Language Endangerment - Julia Sallabank
34. Global Englishes - Alastair Pennycook

35. Forensic Linguistics - Malcolm Coulthard, Tim Grant & Krzysztof Kredens
36. Language Teaching and Language Assessment - Constant Leung
37. Guidelines for Non-Discriminatory Language Use - Marlis Hellinger
38. Language, Migration and Human Rights - Ingrid Piller & Kimie Takahashi
39. Literacy Studies - David Barton & Carmen Lee

Michael Ainsley
Books Marketing
1 Oliver's Yard
55 City Road
London EC1Y 1SP
020 7324 8592 

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