New commissioner in Alsace to ensure the role of German in education

Francis M Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Mon Apr 19 04:10:10 UTC 2004

>>From Eurolang

New commissioner in Alsace to ensure the role of German in education
Simone Klinge in Bruxelles/ Brussel 3/10/2004

The French Minister of National Education in France, Luc Ferry, has kept one of his promises to Adrien Zeller,
President of the Alsace Regional Council, made at their meeting in Paris in January: he has appointed a general
inspector of national education, Francis Goullier, for an assignment of promoting and supporting languages at the
academy of Strasbourg, taking into account the specificity of this academy and the particular role that the regional
language German should play there. The assignment of Mr. Goullier is placed under the responsibility of the director,
Gérald Chaix.

The minister asks him to assist the director in implementing a language policy that leans on the national dimension,
the Convention supporting the regional policy of living languages in the educational system in Alsace, the project of
the academy and the regional scheme of education and training in Alsace.

Further Luc Ferry stresses that this assignment is to examine the organisational and pedagogical aspects of language
teaching at primary and secondary schools. For example, in the promotion and evaluation of teaching methods, the
creation of specific pedagogical tools, and the consolidation and extension of bilingual teaching establishments.

The assignment also includes the training of teachers for the two final school years as well as the development of
linguistic competences for future training in contact with Alsatian universities and the IUFM (University institute
for the training of teachers). There will also be exchanges with the neighbouring regions of the Upper Rhine.

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