[EDLING:261] CFP: ASLA 2004

Francis M. Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Mon Aug 2 20:16:54 UTC 2004


The Swedish Department at Södertörn University College welcomes you to this
year's ASLA-conference,

11-12 November, 2004


The central theme of the 2004 ASLA conference concerns the various forms of
interdisciplinary approaches to language and linguistics, focusing on new and
inspiring perspectives on language studies. The aim of this conference is to
bring together specialists and researchers from different fields of study in an
effort to develop a truly trans-disciplinary understanding of the multiple ways
in which the use of language is involved in communication, in artistic
expression and cognition processes, in scientifical and technical development.
The conference organisers welcome papers in all areas of language-related
studies and are open to a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches.
Contributions are welcome even from scholars whose main research area is not
necessarily linguistics.

We have deliberately chosen a challenging title like the one above, LANGUAGE IN
FOCUS: INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES, in order to encourage the participation
of colleagues who are interested in exploring special forms of language use
that have been less investigated and in applying methods of linguistic enquiry
that are original and innovative. Such new approaches may represent a rapidly
developing and expanding area of linguistic research.

One of the English-speaking panels will be the following:

Argumentative Strategies and Rhetorical Styles in European Parliaments.

Convener: Cornelia Ilie (cornelia.ilie at hum.oru.se)

Örebro Univ. & Södertörns Högskola

The conference language is Swedish, but the Parliamentary Panel is in English.
A general invitation to participate will be sent before the beginning of
summer. The information will be available on ASLA’s homepage:

http://www.nordiska.su.se/asla, as well as on our own homepage
http://www.sh.se/asla_eng .

Proposals and Submissions

You are most welcome to submit your proposals for this panel. Abstracts should
be e-mailed, marked “ASLA Conference” in the subject heading, to our conference
secretary, Sandra Yacoub (sandra.yacoub at sh.se), by 20 September, 2004.

Registration fees

All conference participants should send in the registration form. The
participation fee will be the same as for the previous ASLA conferences: SEK
850 (about 95 Euro) for ASLA members and SEK 950 (about 105 Euro) for non-

Further information about the conference:

ASLA 2004 homepage
Registration Form
Parliamentary Panel
The Way to Södertörn
Södertörn University College - Power Point presentation in English
ASLA 2003 i Örebro
You are welcome to contact Mihai Frumuselu (mihai-daniel.frumuselu at hum. oru.se)
or Cornelia Ilie (cornelia.ilie at hum.oru.se) for further information.


Ämnet svenska vid Södertörns högskola inbjuder till årets


den 11-12 november 2004


Temat för ASLA-konferensen 2004 är olika former av språkligt och
språkvetenskapligt gränsöverskridande. I fokus står lingvistikens
tvärvetenskapliga möjligheter. Konferensen välkomnar bidrag på det temat, också
från personer vars disciplinära hemvist inte primärt är språkvetenskaplig.

Med en titel som SPRÅK PÅ TVÄRS vill vi således också uppmuntra till bidrag
om ”udda” former av lingvistik, sådana som går på tvärs mot huvudfåran. De kan
vara originella och nyskapande, kanske marginella nu men med möjlighet att
spela en mer central roll i framtiden som tillväxtzoner för nya former av
lingvistisk forskning.

Abstracts ska vara inne senast den 10 september och skickas till vår
konferenssekreterare Sandra Yacoub (sandra.yacoub at sh.se). Märk ditt bidrag:

En generell deltagarinbjudan kommer till sommaren, liksom ytterligare
information. Information finns också på ASLAs hemsida:
http://www.nordiska.su.se/asla och på vår egen hemsida http://www.sh.se/asla .
För mer information kontakta Eva Erson (eva.erson at sh.se) eller Anna Malmbjer
(anna.malmbjer at sh.se). Deltagaravgiften kommer att som tidigare vara SEK 850
för ASLA-medlemmar och SEK 950 för övriga deltagare.


The conference language will be Swedish, but contributions in other
Scandinavian languages and in English are also welcome!

ASLA 2004 hemsida
Första inbjudan
Meddelande - 17 juni 2004
Anmälningsblankett / Application Form
Södertörns högskola
ASLA hemsida
Parliamentary Panel
ASLA 2003 i Örebro

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