[EDLING:255] CFP: Second Language Acquisition and Multimedia Environements

Francis M. Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Mon Jul 26 10:06:05 UTC 2004

The principal theme of the up-coming UNTELE 2005 conference, 24-26 March 2005:

Input, Interaction, Feedback, Evaluation
Second Language Acquisition and Multimedia Environements

The sixth UNTELE conference has as its main theme:
Do computer environments provide a rich context for foreign / second language

Papers reporting on:

1- studies in second language acquisition in computer environments,
2- second language acquisition theories with potential applications to computer
environments for pedagogical purposes,

are particularly encouraged.

Plenary speakers:
Jean-Marc DEWAEL: Birkbeck College, University of London, G.B
Nick ELLIS: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Michael H. LONG: University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Florence MYLES: University of Southampton, G.B

Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2004

For full details please consult the conference web site at:

Abdi Kazeroni
On behalf of the conference committees

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