tips for ESL teachers

Kathryn Howard kmhoward at GSE.UPENN.EDU
Fri Mar 5 20:36:55 UTC 2004

Good idea Francis, as always.

I would additionally suggest that people seek model portfolios of master
teachers on the web. One good idea is to search for the personal
websites of well known TESOL professionals, or experienced teachers that
you already know. Those "in the know" often have on-line teaching


Francis M Hult wrote:

>Teaching portfolios are becoming especially important for seeking ESL
>positions in the US (I don't know about other parts of the
>World)--particularly at the  elementary and secondary level
>but often in higher education (such as English language institutes and
>community colleges) as well.
>Here are some book that might be helpful:
>Murray, J.P. (1997).  Successful Faculty Development and Evaluation:
>The Complete Teaching Portfolio.  ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No.
>8.  Washington, D.C.:  The George Washington University, Graduate School
>of Education and Human Development.
>Rieman, P. (2000).  Teaching Portfolios: Presenting your Professional
>Best.  McGraw-Hill.
>Seldin, Peter (1997).  The teaching portfolio: A practical guide to
>improved performance and promotion/tenure decisions (2nd Ed.).  Bolton,
>MA: Anker Publishing.
>Some useful links on the web
> > > the website
>has a great deal of information. > > dcj at wrote:
>>>I have a question from a TESOL practicum student: Does anyone know of any books
>>>or other kinds of resources which help prepare the graduating TESOL student for
>>>a career (finding jobs, interviewing, etc.) in ESL teaching? She's looking for
>>>something very practical, perhaps a book or on-line resourse (maybe something
>>>like the TESOL site or Dave's ESL Cafe) that has tips for landing ESL teaching
>>>jobs. I think she's especially interested in ESL public school teaching in the

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