CFP: Brown v. Board of Education: Its Impact on Public Education 1954-2004

Francis M Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Fri Mar 26 21:47:02 UTC 2004

> Call For Papers
> Brown v. Board of Education: Its Impact on Public Education 1954-2004
>        The Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund (TMSF) is inviting papers
> for a forthcoming publication with the working title Brown v. Board of
> Education: Its Impact on Public Education 1954-2004.  This publication
> will assess the extent to which equal educational opportunities for
> African-Americans have been realized, analyze how educational
> opportunity relates to achievement and offer direction for the 21st
> century.  We are also pleased to announce that Dr. Christopher Edley,
> Jr., Professor of Education at Harvard University and co-founder of the
> Harvard Civil Rights Project will serve as the lead contributor to this
> volume.
>        Equal, as Thurgood Marshall famously defined it, ". means getting
> the same thing, at the same time and in the same place."  How close are
> we to equal access, equal resources and integrated classrooms?   Authors
> are invited to answer these questions by exploring any aspect of the
> impact of the Brown decision on public education.  Each paper should
> also include insight into how improvements can be made.
>        Our intention is to call on the work of researchers and educators
> to provide to a picture of public education across the nation in 2004,
> although authors may choose to focus on a specific region.
>        Within this broad framework, we expect to include sections on:
> . Public policy (e.g., vouchers, affirmative action);
> . Resources (teacher quality, curriculum, special staff [counselors,
> advisors, special needs], facilities, materials, technology, funding per
> student);
> . Integration (by region, by population density, by grade level);
> . Private schools - their development and impact on public schools;
> . The role of public and private HBCUs in the education of
> African-Americans.
> Guidelines for Submissions
> 	Faculty at TMSF colleges, other HBCUs, selected major civil
> rights organizations and to scholars on civil rights issues at national
> universities are invited to submit 750 word synopses of proposed
> chapters and a one-page vita.
>        The criteria for selecting authors will include the quality of
> the synopsis, its relevance, innovation and fit within the broader scope
> of other contributions.  We expect to select both established and
> emerging scholars for inclusion in this volume.
>        Those invited to contribute chapters will be notified by June 15,
> 2004; completed chapters will be due by August 1, 2004.  Full chapters
> should be between 5500 and 7000 words.
>        Synopses and one-page vitas may be submitted by email, USPS or
> special courier and must be received by May 1, 2004.  Submissions and
> inquiries should be directed to:
>        Dara N. Byrne, Ph.D.
>        c/o Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund, Inc.
>        90 Williams Street, Suite 1203
>        New York, NY 10038
>        Phone: (212) 573-8888
>        E-mail:  dbyrne at
>          ===============================================
>          From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
>                       CFP at
>                        Full Information at
>           or write Erika Lin: elin at
>          ===============================================

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