[EDLING:211] CFP: The lexicon: its status in the theory of language

Francis M. Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Mon May 31 22:16:05 UTC 2004


The Linguistic Association of Finland is organizing a symposium on "The
lexicon: its status in the theory of language" to be held in Turku, Finland,
November 18-19, 2004.


The purpose of the symposium is to concentrate on the theoretical issues concer
ning the lexicon. We invite papers addressing theoretical questions
as well as papers taking a specific (empirical) viewpoint on one (or more) part
icular language(s). The status of the lexicon has a central part in any
theory of language. Thus, it is a topic that is common among linguists from dif
ferent schools of thought. At the same time, the views on the proper
treatment of the lexicon differ across the broad field of linguistics, and ther
e is therefore room for genuine debate.

Problems concerning the lexicon are for instance the following:
- - What kinds of information can be lexicalized?
- - What are the constraints for phonological, syntactic, semantic, and
 information in the lexical entries?
- - How is this information represented formally?
- - How does lexicalization take place in the history of language?
- - How should the theories deal with constructions (more or less
idiosyncratic s
yntactico-semantic mappings that are larger than a word)?
- - Are constructions a part of the lexicon or a domain of their own? And
ess of the answer: what is the relationship between constructions and the more
traditional lexical items?
- - How is the lexicon organized?
- - There are different kinds of relations between lexical items. How should
we d
escribe those in our theories?
- - According to some linguistic theories, lexical meanings are negotiated
 conversation. What are the limits of flexibility of word meanings, and what is
 the starting point for the negotiation?
- - What kind of possibilities are there for lexical typology or for gaining
logically significant insights of the lexicon? What kind of lexical
regularities are of typological significance and common for a larger group of l

We encourage contributions broadly from diverse areas of linguistics, including
 traditional theoretical linguistics, experimental
psycholinguistics, linguistic work on spoken language, etc.

Invited speakers:
- - Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
- - Jussi Niemi (University of Joensuu, Finland)
- - Minna Laakso (University of Helsinki, Finland)

- - lectures by invited speakers
- - presentations by other participants (20 min + 10 min for discussion)
- - posters

Symposium venue:
The Åbo Akademi University, Humanities building (Arken), Tehtaankatu 2. Turku.

For further information on the location, see the Åbo Akademi university web
: <http://www.abo.fi>

The deadline for submission of abstracts (in English; max 500 words) is July 31
, 2004. Please submit your abstract by e-mail to the following
address: <lexicon-organizers at utu.fi>

The abstract should be included in the body of the message. Please indicate cle
arly whether your abstract is intended as a poster or a section paper.
E-mail submissions are strongly recommended. However, if you prefer sending you
r abstract by ordinary mail (address below), please provide an
e-mail address as a contact address.

Participants will be notified about acceptance by September 1, 2004.
The abstracts will be published on the web pages of the symposium at


The deadline for registration is October 1, 2004. Register by e-mail to the add
ress above.

Registration fees:
- - general: EUR 50
- - members of the association: EUR 25
- - undergraduate students free

Participants from abroad are requested to pay in cash upon arrival.

Participants from Finland may send the registration fee by giro account no 8000
13-1424850 to The Linguistic Association of Finland (SKY) /Symposium or pay in
cash upon arrival.

In case you have further questions please email
<lexicon-organizers at utu.fi>

Check for information updates at the symposium website:


Organizing committee:

Chair: Urpo Nikanne
Åbo Akademi University
Finnish language
Tehtaankatu 2

Marja Etelämäki (University of Helsinki)
Pentti Haddington (University of Oulu)
Arja Hamari (University of Turku)
Jarmo Jantunen (University of Joensuu)
Seppo Kittilä (University of Turku)
Leena Kolehmainen (University of Helsinki)
Harry Lönnroth (University of Tampere)
Marja Nenonen (University of Joensuu)
Helena Pirttisaari (University of Helsinki)
Heli Pitkänen (University of Joensuu)

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