[EDLING:370] [Fwd: Qualitative Research Position at UGA]

Kathryn Howard kmhoward at GSE.UPENN.EDU
Sun Nov 7 17:19:52 UTC 2004

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Qualitative Research Position at UGA
Date: 	Sat, 6 Nov 2004 08:37:02 -0500
From: 	Judith Preissle <jude at UGA.EDU>
Reply-To: 	Judith Preissle <jude at UGA.EDU>

The University of Georgia
College of Education
Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy
Qualitative Research Program

The Qualitative Research Program in the Department of
Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy, The
University of Georgia, invites applications for a tenure
track position at the assistant professor level to begin
August, 2005 (See http://www.coe.uga.edu/edpsych/
qualinquiry.html). Qualifications for the position include an
earned doctorate in a relevant area, a record of scholarly
writings on qualitative research and evaluation methods, a
commitment to pursuing external funding, and a record of
excellence in teaching. The successful candidate will be
expected to engage in scholarly work focused on the study of
qualitative research and evaluation methods, to maintain an
active qualitative research and evaluation program, to pursue
external funding for research and evaluation, and to
contribute to the ongoing instruction, design,
implementation, and evaluation of the Qualitative Research
Program. Responsibilities include collaborating with other
faculty in developing an evaluation center; teaching core
courses in qualitative research design and analysis,
qualitative evaluation, and other qualitative research
courses in expertise area; advising students and directing
dissertations; participating in faculty governance, and
providing leadership in the development of a qualitative
evaluation component within the program.

Submit letter of application describing teaching and research
interests, vita, 2-3 page summary of background in
qualitative research methods and evaluation (listing of
courses taken, courses taught, publications, presentations,
service), transcript, sample of professional writing,
syllabus from a course taught previously, and at least three
letters of reference sent from the references themselves.
Send application materials ground mail (no e-mail
submissions) to Judith Preissle, Search Chair, Department of
Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy, River’s
Crossing 3rd Floor, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-
4808 (e-mail inquiries only to preissle at coe.uga.edu).  All
applications received by December 15, 2004, are assured full
consideration.  The University of Georgia is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer.

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