[EDLING:338] FW: edlinguistics U.C. Santa Cruz Ph.D. information night

Raquel Sanchez raq at STANFORD.EDU
Mon Oct 4 21:55:24 UTC 2004

------ Forwarded Message
From: George Bunch <gbunch at ucsc.edu>
Reply-To: edlinguistics at lists.Stanford.EDU
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 12:06:06 -0700
To: edlinguistics at lists.Stanford.EDU
Subject: edlinguistics U.C. Santa Cruz Ph.D. information night

Attached is a flyer announcing an information night for prospective
students interested in the Ph.D. program in the education department at
U.C. Santa Cruz.  The session will be held on Monday, October 25, from 6 to
8 p.m.

The Ph.D. program, which will be accepting its third cohort to begin next
fall, includes concentrations in language and literacy, social contexts of
education, and mathematics and science education.  More information on the
Ph.D. program can be found at http://education.ucsc.edu/.

Please forward this information to anyone you feel may be interested.

George C. Bunch, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Education Department
University of California, Santa Cruz

Office: Social Sciences I Building, Room 245
Mailing address:
Education Department
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Voice: (831) 459-1828
Fax: (831) 459-4618
E-mail: gbunch at ucsc.edu

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