[EDLING:295] Re: Vocabulary Software?

Tim Stoeckel timstoeckel at YAHOO.COM
Thu Sep 9 04:12:40 UTC 2004


If you end up developing some sort of software, please keep us all advised.


Tim Stoeckel
Kansai Gaidai University

Trent Spriggs <trent at wakayamasoho2.gr.jp> wrote:
We can develop something along those lines. I think it would be a
worthwhile undertaking. Could you contact me offline?

trent at wakayamasoho2.gr.jp

Trent Spriggs
Wharton 90

President, TINC
Technology INformation Communication

----- Original Message -----
From: "Francis M Hult"
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 4:51 AM
Subject: [EDLING:291] Vocabulary Software?

> A student of mine asked me about this today and I thought someone
> might have ideas. He is looking for software to study English vocabulary
> on his own. He wants something he can customize. That is to say, he
> wants to choose a specific set of words and then have a program generate
> vocabulary tests and possibly exercises for him to do based on his list.
> Does anyone know if something like this exists?
> Francis

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