[EDLING:662] CFP: 2005 Asia TEFL International Conference
Francis M. Hult
Tue Feb 22 12:37:47 UTC 2005
2005 Asia TEFL International Conference
TEFL for Asia: Unity within Diversity
China Resources Hotel, Beijing, China
November 4th 6th, 2005
The Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (Asia TEFL)
serves as a forum that brings together ELT professionals in the Asian region
to collect, disseminate, and discuss information on English language teaching
and learning in the Asian context. One of the primary ways of accomplishing
this is through our annual conference.
The Asia TEFL International Conference Committee is now accepting presentation
proposals in the content areas listed below for its 3rd conference to be held
at China Resources Hotel in Beijing, China on November 4 - 6, 2005. The
official language for the conference, including presentations and submissions,
is English.
Invited Speakers: Six to nine internationally renowned scholars will each be
giving a 50-min. plenary presentation as well as a concurrent session
presentation. The Conference will also feature nine well-known speakers from
the Asian region. These featured speakers will be giving 40-min. presentations
on issues in the eight content areas listed below.
Concurrent Session Presenters
In 15-20 concurrent sessions, as many as 400 presenters are expected to share
their ideas and the results of their research in 30-min. time slots. The
Conference committee is calling for submission of presentation proposals in
the content areas listed below. All presenters are encouraged to submit the
research papers of their presentations to the Journal of Asia TEFL, the
Association's refereed scholarly journal, for consideration for publication.
Content Areas:
TEFL Theory and Methodology
Proficiency Goals and Assessment
Education Policy
Curriculum/Materials Development
International/Intercultural Communication
Teacher Education
Teaching Young Learners
Multimedia-Assisted Language Teaching
These content areas may include the following:
Elementary Education
Secondary Education
College/University Education
Testing and Evaluation
Curriculum Design
Materials Writing and Design
Teacher Training and Development
CALL and Its Role in the Classroom
Classroom-Based/Action Research
Teaching English through English
Language/Culture Awareness in the Classroom
Language Acquisition
Alternative Approaches and Methodologies
Music, Art, and Literature in the Classroom
Document Submission Requirements
The deadline for submission of presentation proposals is May 30, 2005. The
abstract should consist of 250 words with the title at the top of the page and
the name of the presenter(s) and their affiliation below the title on the
right. Biographical data should not exceed 100 words and should be written on
a separate page in the third person. Thirty minutes are allotted for a
research paper presentation, and sixty minutes for a workshop or colloquium.
Those who are outside of China should send the presentation proposal with the
abstract and biographical data to the following address:
Dr. Mae-Ran Park
Division of English Language & Literature, Pukyong National University
591-1, Daeyeon 3-dong, Nam-gu, Busan 608-737, South Korea
Tel: +82-51-620-6687, Email: asiatefl at hotmail.com
Those who are within China should send the presentation proposal with the
abstract and biographical data and the hotel reservation to the following
Mrs. Xiao Qiong
Foreign Languages Division, Higher Education Press,
4 Dewai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing 100011, P.R.C.
Tel: (8610) 58581794 Fax: (8610) 82086663
Email: AsiaTEFL at hep.com.cn
Travel Grants
Travel grants of US$300 are available for 50 concurrent session presenters.
The awardees will be selected by the Asia TEFL International Conference
Committee on the basis of proposal and travel grant application merit.
Preference will be given to the 10 best submissions dealing with the most
innovative and affective means of teaching and learning. This funding is
available for presenters based outside of China.
All presenters receiving grants from Asia TEFL are required to submit research
papers of their presentations to the Journal of Asia TEFL, publication of
which is to be determined upon review by the Journal Editorial Board. The
deadline for submission of presentation proposals and travel grant application
forms is May 20, 2005. The abstracts should consist of 500 words with the
title at the top of the page and the name of the presenter(s) and their
affiliation below the title on the right. Biographical data should not exceed
100 words and should be written on a separate page in the third person. Send
the presentation proposal with the abstract, biographical data, and the travel
grant application form to the following address:
Dr. Kilryoung LEE, Conference Director
Department of English Education
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
270 Imun-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, 130-791, South Korea
Email: asiatefl at hanmail.net
Registration Fee
Registration is free for preregistrants by October 1st and US$20.00 (150RMB)
for non-preregistrants.
Application Forms
All application forms presentation proposal, presenter travel grant
application, and membership application form are available at the Asia TEFL
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