[EDLING:579] Re: Sapir-Whorf

John S. Mayher john.mayher at NYU.EDU
Mon Jan 24 21:04:52 UTC 2005

>Can anyone give me some recent references about the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis or
>language-thought connection?  Papers from any of following
>disciplines would be
>I appreciate the help.

My memory is that George Lakoff's Women, Fire and Dangerous things
discusses it and essentially tries to rehabilitate it, but the book
is at home, so . . .


>Tamara Warhol
>PhD Student
>Graduate School of Education
>University of Pennsylvania
>Philadelphia, PA
>warholt at dolphin.upenn.edu

John S. Mayher
Professor, English Education				email:
john.mayher at nyu.edu
Department of Teaching and Learning
Steinhardt School of Education			Phone: 212-998-5245
New York University				Fax: 212-995-4049
239 Greene Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003

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