[EDLING:901] Releases: Multilingual Matters
Francis M. Hult
Fri Jul 22 17:58:47 UTC 2005
(i) Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development Vol. 26 No 4
(ii) Evaluation & Research in Education Vol. 17 No 4
(iii) Language & Intercultural Communication Vol. 5 No 1
(iv Language & Education Vol. 19 No 4
(v) International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism Vol. 8 No 4
(v) Language Awareness Vol. 14 No 1
(i) Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development Vol. 26 No 4
‘Talking Both Languages’: 20 Perspectives on the Use of Spanish and English
Inside and Outside the
Laura Callahan, City College of New York, USA
Attitudes Towards Basque, Spanish and English: An Analysis of the Most
Influential Variables
David Lasagabaster, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Language Use and Attitudes in Mauritius on the Basis of the 2000 Population
Aaliya Rajah-Carrim, University of Edinburgh, UK
Affective Dimensions of the Japanese Foreign Language Learner: Implications for
Psychological Learner Development in Japan
Naoko Tani Fukuchi, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan
Robin Sakamoto, University of Minnesota, USA
(ii) Evaluation & Research in Education Vol. 17 No 4
Adrian Davis: Teachers’ and Students’ Beliefs Regarding Aspects of Language
Anastasios Giamouridis: The Market in the Service of Educational Equality? The
Case of Education in England
(iii) Language & Intercultural Communication Vol. 5 No 1
Julie A. Belz: Intercultural Questioning, Discovery and Tension in Internet-
mediated Language Learning Partnerships
Robert O’Dowd: Negotiating Sociocultural and Institutional Contexts: The Case
of Spanish–American Telecollaboration
Ana Gonçalves Matos: Literary Texts: A Passage to Intercultural Reading in
Foreign Language Education
Jane Wilkinson: Staging ‘Swissness’: Inter- and Intracultural Theatre
María del Carmen Méndez García and María Luisa Pérez Cañado: Language and
Power: Raising Awareness of the Role of Language in Multicultural Teams
(iv) Language & Education Vol. 19 No 4
Kate Allen and John E. Ingulsrud: Reading Manga: Patterns of Personal
Literacies Among Adolescents
Peter Yongqi Gu, Guangwei Hu and Lawrence Jun Zhang: Investigating Language
Learner Strategies among Lower Primary School Pupils in Singapore
Yongbing Liu: The Construction of Pro-Science and Technology Discourse in
Chinese Language Textbooks
Catherine Wallace: Conversations Around the Literacy Hour in a Multilingual
London Primary School
(v) International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism Vol. 8 No 4
Connecting Communities: Identity, Language and Diaspora
Jean Mills, University of Birmingham, UK
‘Ask Each Pupil About Her Methods of Cleaning’: Ideologies of Language and
Gender in Americanisation Instruction (1900-1924)
Aneta Pavlenko, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
When School is Not Enough: New Initiatives in Intergenerational Language
Transmission in Wales
Viv Edwards and Lynda Pritchard Newcombe, University of Reading, UK
Empowerment, EAL and the National Numeracy Strategy
Richard Barwell, University of Bristol, UK
Parental Language Attitudes and Practices to Socialise Children in a Diglossic
Patricia García
(vi) Language Awareness Vol. 14 No 1
Roger Berry: Making the Most of Metalanguage
Alan Fortune: Learners’ Use of Metalanguage in Collaborative Form-Focused L2
Output Tasks
Melanie Robinson: Metalanguage in L1 English-speaking 12-year-olds: Which
Aspects of Writing Do They Talk About?
Ulrike Jessner: Multilingual Metalanguage, or the Way Multilinguals Talk about
Their Languages
E-mail: info at multilingual-matters.com
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