[EDLING:862] Re: a book on "American Culture"

Bruce Evans evansb at SOU.EDU
Tue Jun 21 06:07:54 UTC 2005


While it is a bit dated, "The Nine Nations of North America" by Joel Garreau, (1981, Avon), provided a good glimps the American (U.S. and Canadaian) geographic and regional differences. I used it a number times while teaching courses on American culture and society with international students.

Bruce Evans
ESOL/Bilingual Endorsement Program
School of Education
Southern Oregon University

>>> rjj8 at columbia.edu 06/20/05 8:36 PM >>>
Hello.  I have recently had someone who will be teaching EFL in
Russia ask me if there is a good book on American culture.  I
haven't seen a "good" one yet... and I wonder if anyone has a good
recommendation for her.

Thank you.

Rebekah Johnson

TESOL Program Assistant
Teachers College, Columbia University

(212) 678-3936
rjj8 at columbia.edu

Teachers College, Columbia University Working Papers in TESOL &
Applied Linguistics

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