[EDLING:787] Re: Multiling/Multicult teaching position summer2 '05

M van Naerssen mvnaerss at SAS.UPENN.EDU
Tue May 3 16:26:37 UTC 2005

Interesting possibility!!  Especially since I know you and you have taught
such a course.

This afternoon I'm going to campus where I can send the syllabus to you.
There is also a wealth of resource material that Mihyon and I collected.
I'll also send you the salary info--hoping that it would at least cover your
roundtrip flight...

I'm holding off on a decision for a day or two--have one other person so far
from Penn and one possible/maybe not from West Chester School District.  But
right now you are looking like a good possibility.  It is not as though I'm
flooded with applicants--I just want to look at the match with the module.
I guess another consideration would be building up resources for future
summers or at least a few.

I'll be back to you later today.
Thanks for your interest.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Evans" <evansb at sou.edu>
To: <edling at ccat.sas.upenn.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 9:31 PM
Subject: [EDLING:786] Re: Multiling/Multicult teaching position summer2 '05

> Margaret,
> Do you think you could use a UPenn GSE doctoral candidate exiled in
> Oregon?  I'm free during the last two weeks of June and I am currently
> teaching a course I think is similar to the CLD 555 Special Issues, Module
> 1 School-Home-Community course.  Ours course at Southern Oregon University
> is ED 548 - Family, Culture and Community Involvement.  This is the third
> spring that I have taught it.  I teach First and Second Language
> Acquisition July 5 - 15 and also lead a group in the construction of their
> professional portfolio for the ESL/Bilingual Education teaching
> endorsement.
> I have places to stay in Philadelphia and could use some library time at
> UPenn.  I'm sure the pay would conver my flight to and from the west
> coast.
> What do you think?
> Bruce Evans
>>>> mvnaerss at sas.upenn.edu 05/02/05 10:40 AM >>>
> Just on the outside chance that a few of you might have some summer
> teaching time left--
> Immaculata University (suburbs of Philadelphia, beyond Paoli, but well
> before the Exton Mall), College of Graduate Studies, Cultural & Linguistic
> Diversity  Program needs an instructor for Summer 2.  Car transportation
> is necessary.
> Since I've worked from time to time at Penn, including at the GSE, and
> have found several doctoral students to be very good instructors here at
> Immaculata University, I'm coming back to GSE for this search. I know it
> is short notice, but in case one of you is interested in building up some
> graduate teaching experience for your CV/ portfolio, I'd like to hear from
> you.  Here are the details.
> CLD 546 Multicultural/ Multilingual Issues,  July 6 - August 15  4:40-7:10
> (Mondays/ Wednesdays)
> Preferred background some experience/ training/ interest in multicultural
> studies and ideas on how to apply it in a classroom (**K-12 and higher).
> This was Mihyon Jeon's course--as most of you know she's passed her Ph.D.
> dissertation defense and has a new position in Canada at York University.
> I'm happy for her, but sad to lose her teaching contributions.
> She taught the course two summers and documented her course well so you
> wouldn't be starting from scratch.
> For another one-credit course (that Mihyon also taught), we 're looking
> for someone with experience in home-school-community relations for ESL
> K-12 populations, and ESL teaching at that level.
> CLD 555 Special Issues, Module 1 School-Home-Community,  June 24, June 27,
> 9-3 with one hour for lunch.
> Whoever teaches this short, intense module (10 hours) would be expected to
> use the resources/ syllabus that Mihyon developed, but of course use your
> own experiences as points of reference. Each of our one credit modules has
> a narrowly defined focus.
> You can also get in touch with other Penn folks who have taught out here
> at Immaculata (Jenn Freeman, David Johnson, Susan Caesar) to check out the
> situation from their perspective. The pay is definitely not as high as at
> GSE...just want to get that up front.  But the campus is safe and
> beautiful, and the graduate school is most supportive.
> My home phone is 610 688-4240. A summary CV would also be needed, but we
> can talk first.
> Margaret van Naerssen
> Coordinator, Cultural & Linguistic Diversity
> College of Graduate Studies, Immaculata University
> Immaculata (next to Malvern), PA
> Summer I/ 2 combined session
> CLD 555 Special Issues, Module 1 School-Home-Community,  June 24, June 27,
>                                     Module 2 Language Across the
> Curriculum, June 24 and June 27
>                                     Module 3 Individualizing Instruction,
> July 6, July 7
>                                     All will be held  9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
> CLD 534 Teaching English as a Second Language, July 11-August 10 1-4 p.m.

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