[EDLING:800] Monterey Institute - Survey: Language Teachers' Attitudes

Stephanie J. Stauffer sjs at ALUMNI.PRINCETON.EDU
Thu May 5 11:29:40 UTC 2005

Dear EDLINGers who are also language teachers,

Please consider responding to following call for participation in
a survey on language teachers and reflective teaching.


Stephanie Stauffer
  SJS at alumni.princeton.edu


Dr. Kathleen Bailey and Sarah Springer are conducting a survey
about language teachers' attitudes toward and practices of
reflective teaching. The survey takes about ten or fifteen
minutes to complete and can be done entirely on line. (The time
difference depends on whether you choose to write optional,
open-ended comments.) Would you be willing to respond to their

Kathi Bailey says:

The link to a website where you can complete the survey is


Also, please share this link with any of your teaching
colleagues. This survey is NOT limited to MIIS graduates. We are
hoping to get a wide range of responses during May. (I will be
reporting on the results in Taiwan during the first week of June,
2005. Yes, I have left the data collection a little bit
late.....Always working on my time management ski! lls!)

We hope to hear from teachers of various languages who work with
a wide range of students in many different countries. If you are
not teaching now, you can still respond to the survey in terms of
your attitudes and practices when you were teaching. Thanks very
much in advance for your help!

Best Wishes, Kathi Bailey

4 May 05

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