[EDLING:1008] [Fwd: [Aaal-l] Call: 2006 Intern'l Conf. on Language in Action: Vygotsky and Leontievian Lagacy Today]
Tamara Warhol
Tue Sep 27 13:03:52 UTC 2005
Via AAAL listserv . . .
Dear List Members,
This is our first call for papers. Please spread the word about this
conference, and send in your abstracts. Thank you very much
June, 8-10, 2006
University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
You are cordially invited to participate in the conference "Language in
action: Vygotsky and Leontievian legacy today” June 8-10, 2006,
Jyvaskyla, Finland. The conference will be hosted by the Centre for
Applied Language Studies and Department of Languages, University of
Jyvaskyla. The conference offers a forum for scholarly discussions
concerning language and action/activity, while at the same time
celebrating the life and work of one of the eminent Russian scholars in
this field, Aleksei Alekseevitch Leontiev. The conference will take
place in connection with the Summer School of Applied Language Studies,
June 5-7, 2006, focusing on sociocultural approaches to language
learning and language education.
Keynote speakers of the conference will be
- Tatyana Akhutina (Laboratory of Neuropsychology, Moscow State
University, Russia)
- Yrjo Engestrom (Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work
Research, University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Dmitry Leontiev (Moscow State University, President of the Institute
of Existential Psychology and Life Enhancement, Russia)
- Aida Markosyan (Russia)- Dorothy Robbins (Central Missouri State
University, USA)
- Anna Stetsenko (The City University of New York, USA).
The conference has also invited papers from
- Aneta Pavlenko
- Gordon Wells.
The conference programme will include plenary sessions, parallel
sessions and colloquia on specific topics. The official language of the
conference is English. The conference has invited a colloquium on the
following theme: “Language in action and activity: the unit of
analysis.” The speakers in this colloquium include
- Yrjo Engestrom
- Dmitry Leontiev
- James Lantolf
- Gordon Wells
- Anna Stetsenko
We encourage participants to present and discuss analyses that focus on
the conference theme.
Proposals for individual papers (20 min. + 10 min. discussion) should be
max. 500 words and must include a title. The following information is
also required: author's name, institutional affiliation, mailing
address, email address, and specification of any special equipment needed.
Proposals for colloquia (90 or 120 min.) should also be max. 500 words
and must include the same information as a paper abstract for both the
organizer and each participant.
The deadline for the submission of proposals for individual papers and
for colloquia is December 15, 2005. Those whose presentations are
accepted will be informed by the organising committee by February 28,
2006. The proposals must be sent electronically (by attachment) to
conference secretary Sari Poyhonen (spoyhone at campus.jyu.fi
<mailto:spoyhone at campus.jyu.fi>).
The deadline for registration for all participants (with or without a
presentation) is May 1, 2006. Detailed information about the
registration will be announced later. Conference website:
The conference fee is 180 euros, for students 130 euros. If you
participate in both Summer School and the conference, the conference fee
is 250 euros and for students 160 euros. Participants are responsible
for covering all travel and accommodation costs.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Dr. Riikka Alanen
Fellow of the Academy of Finland
University of Jyvaskyla, CALS
e-mail: alanen at campus.jyu.fi <mailto:alanen at campus.jyu.fi>
Dr. Sari Poyhonen Research
Senior Researcher
University of Jyvaskyla, CALS
e-mail: spoyhone at campus.jyu.fi <mailto:spoyhone at campus.jyu.fi>
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