[EDLING:2146] Arizona Daily Star Article

Sat Dec 9 20:42:03 UTC 2006


This Arizona Daily Star article has been sent to you by fmhult at dolphin.upenn.edu.

"In the case of Arizona, the GAO said the federal agency provided aid in the 2004-05 school year based on the state having only about 100,000 students classified as "English language learners." That produced slightly more than  million in funds from the federal No Child Left Behind Program for schools with those students."

Inaccurate data ends up shorting Arizona schools millions of dollarsBy Howard FischerCAPITOL MEDIA SERVICES
			PHOENIX - Arizona schools are being shorted millions of dollars because of how federal officials parcel out funds to help students with limited English proficiency, according to a new report.
The General Accounting Office said the U.S. Department of Education relies on census data when dividing...


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