[EDLING:1155] Re: [Fwd: Transnational communities of practice]

Susan Metheny natemaol at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Jan 4 07:24:44 UTC 2006

I used an article for a paper that gave a good basic background of
Communities of Interest and Communities of Practice (I believe) and here
is the name of that article:

Arias, E.G., Fischer, G. (2000), "Boundary objects: their role in
articulating the task at hand and making information relevant to it",
/International ICSC Symposium on Interactive and Collaborative
Computing/, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, pp.1-8.

It deals with collaborative work and the tools people use to communicate
with each other on teams when they are working in a community of
interest or a community of practice.

Susan Metheny
dojinwei at gse.upenn.edu wrote:

>You can check with Prof. Amy Tsui of Hong Kong University Institute of
>Education. I just heard that she is doing research on "community of practice".
>I'm also interested in that. If you have found something, share with me. Thanks.
>Jinwei Dong
>dojinwei at gse.upenn.edu
>引用 John Williams <fjwilliams at portables1.ngfl.gov.uk>:
>>I think the term was used first by Fishman in
>>Language and Ethnicity. In H. Giles (Ed) Language,ethnicity and inter-group
>>relations.  London: Academic.
>>John Williams
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Tamara Warhol" <warholt at dolphin.upenn.edu>
>>To: <edling at ccat.sas.upenn.edu>
>>Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:03 PM
>>Subject: [EDLING:1140] [Fwd: Transnational communities of practice]
>>>The question below came over the GALA listserv and it struck me as I
>>>have recently heard various people discuss this idea.  Does anyone have
>>>an answer?  -Tamara
>>>I find now and then this concept, applying the notion of "community of
>>>practice" to transnational practices and identities; but I am curious to
>>>know how the phrase emerged.
>>>Anyone knows a first/early source of this idea of communities of
>>>practice from a transnational perspective?
>>>Joan Pujolar
>This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Susan Metheny
Ph.D. Student in Educational Linguistics
Department of Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM  87131

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>>From the laziness that is contented with half truths,
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Good Lord, deliver me."
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