[EDLING:1162] PacSLRF2006 abstract deadline 15 January

Francis M Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Thu Jan 5 17:25:12 UTC 2006

> From: Michael Harrington <m.harrington at uq.edu.au>
> Dear colleagues,
> The deadline looms for submission of abstracts to PacSLRF 2006,
> to be held July 4-7 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 
> Proposals for papers and colloquia presenting data and theory 
> in areas of basic research in Second Language Acquisition are 
> invited. Paper categories include: Bilingualism, child SLA, 
> classroom cognitive approaches, lexicon/vocabulary, morphology,
> generative approaches to SLA, multilingualism, oral discourse, 
> phonology/phonetics, pragmatics, reading, research methodology, 
> sociocultural approaches, sociolinguistic approaches, CALL, 
> testing and written discourse.
> The deadline for submissions is 15th January 2006.
> INDIVIDUAL PAPERS will be allotted 30 minutes (20 minutes plus 
> 5 minutes for discussion). Submission includes in the following 
> order: 
> 1.Title of the presentation (maximum twenty words). 
> 2.Presenter contact info: last name, first name, department, 
> affiliation, mailing address (incl. city, state/prov, 
> zip/postal code), country, phone, and e-mail address. 
> 3.50-word (maximum) single-spaced summary of the paper. 
> 4.300-word (maximum) single-spaced abstract of the paper. 
> 5.The area of your paper (choose one category only). 
> Graduate students interested in presenting a paper in this stream 
> will be allotted to 30 minutes (20 minutes plus 5 minutes for 
> discussion). Experts in your field will be invited to attend your 
> session and provide comments on your work. Submission includes in 
> the following order.
> 1.Title of the presentation (maximum twenty words). 
> 2.Presenter contact info: last name, first name, department, 
> affiliation, mailing address (incl. city, state/prov, zip/postal code), 
> country, phone, and e-mail address. 
> 3.50-word (maximum) single-spaced summary of the paper. 
> 4.300-word (maximum) single-spaced abstract of the paper. 
> 5.The area of your paper (choose one category only).
> Submissions should be sent to: pacslrf2006 at emsah.uq.edu.au.
> For further information about the conference see: 
> http://www.emsah.uq.edu.au/pacslrf2006/ 
> or m.haugh at griffith.edu.au
> We look forward to seeing you in Queensland in July.
> PacSLRF2006 Organising Committee

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