[EDLING:1367] CFP: BU Conference on Language Development (31st)
Francis M Hult
Thu Mar 23 00:45:17 UTC 2006
> NOVEMBER 3-5, 2006
> Keynote Speakers:
> Roberta Golinkoff, University of Delaware
> Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Temple University
> "Breaking the Language Barrier: The View from the Radical Middle"
> Plenary Speaker:
> Jürgen M. Meisel, University of Hamburg & University of Calgary
> “Multiple First Language Acquisition:
> A Case for Autonomous Syntactic Development in the Simultaneous
> Acquisition of More Than One Language”
> Lunch Symposium:
> “Future Directions in Search of Genes that Influence Language:
> Phenotypes, Molecules, Brains, and Growth”
> Mabel Rice, University of Kansas
> Helen Tager-Flusberg, Boston University
> Simon Fisher, University of Oxford
> Discussant: Gary Marcus, New York University
> All topics in the fields of first and second language acquisition from
> all theoretical perspectives will be fully considered, including:
> * Bilingualism
> * Cognition & Language
> * Creoles & Pidgins
> * Dialects
> * Discourse
> * Exceptional Language
> * Gesture
> * Hearing Impairment and Deafness
> * Input & Interaction
> * Language Disorders
> * Linguistic Theory (Syntax, Semantics, Phonology, Morphology, Lexicon)
> * Literacy & Narrative
> * Neurolinguistics
> * Pragmatics
> * Pre-linguistic Development
> * Signed Languages
> * Sociolinguistics
> * Speech Perception & Production
> Presentations will be 20 minutes long followed by a 10 minute question
> period. Posters will be on display for a full day with two attended
> sessions during the day.
> Abstracts submitted must represent original, unpublished research.
> Abstracts should be anonymous, clearly titled and no more than 450
> words in length. They should also fit on one page, with an optional
> second page for references or figures if required. Abstracts longer
> than 450 words will be rejected without being evaluated. Please note
> the word count at the bottom of the abstract. Note that words counts
> need not include the abstract title or the list of references.
> A suggested format and style for abstracts is available at:
> http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/template.html
> An excellent example of how to formulate the content of the abstract
> can be found on the LSA website at:
> http://www.lsadc.org/info/dec02bulletin/model.html
> The criteria used by the reviewers to evaluate abstracts can be found
> at:
> http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/reviewprocess.html#rate
> All abstracts must be submitted as PDF documents. Specific instructions
> for how to create PDF documents are available at:
> http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/pdfinfo.html.
> If you encounter a problem creating a PDF file, please contact us for
> further assistance.
> Please use the first author's last name as the file name (eg.
> Smith.pdf). No author information should appear anywhere in the
> contents of the PDF file itself.
> Electronic submission: To facilitate the abstract submission process,
> abstracts will be submitted using the form available at the conference
> website at http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/abstract.htm.
> Specific instructions for abstract submission are available on this
> website.
> Abstracts will be accepted between April 1 and May 15.
> Contact information for each author must be submitted via webform. No
> author information should appear anywhere in the abstract PDF.
> At the time of submission you will be asked whether you would like your
> abstract to be considered for a poster, a paper, or both.
> Although each author may submit as many abstracts as desired, we will
> accept for presentation by each author: (a) a maximum of 1 first
> authored paper/poster, and (b) a maximum of 2 papers/posters in any
> authorship status. Note that no changes in authorship (including
> deleting an author or changing author order) will be possible after the
> review process is completed or for publication in the conference
> proceedings.
> All submissions must be received by 8:00 PM EST, May 15, 2006.
> Late abstracts will not be considered, whatever the reason for the
> delay.
> We regret that we cannot accept abstract submissions by fax or email.
> Submissions via surface mail will only be accepted in special
> circumstances, on a case by case basis. Please contact us well in
> advance of the submission deadline (May 15, 2006) to make these
> arrangements.
> Each abstract is blind reviewed by 5 reviewers from a panel of
> approximately 100 international scholars. Further information about the
> review process is available at
> http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/reviewprocess.html.
> Acknowledgment of receipt of the abstract will be sent by email as soon
> as possible after receipt. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be
> sent to first authors only, in early August, by email. Pre-registration
> materials and preliminary schedule will be available in late August,
> 2006.
> If your abstract is accepted, you will need to submit a 150-word
> abstract including title, author(s) and affiliation(s) for inclusion in
> the conference handbook. Guidelines will be provided along with
> notification of acceptance.
> Abstracts accepted as papers will be invited for publication in the
> BUCLD Proceedings. Abstracts accepted as posters will be invited for
> publication online only, but not in the printed version.
> All conference papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts
> submitted. Although each abstract will be evaluated individually, we
> will attempt to honor requests to schedule accepted papers together in
> group sessions. No schedule changes will be possible once the schedule
> is set. Scheduling requests for religious reasons only must be made
> before the review process is complete (i.e. at the time of submission).
> A space is provided on the abstract submission webform to specify such
> requests.
> Information regarding the conference may be accessed on the BUCLD
> website:
> http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/
> Boston University Conference on Language Development
> 96 Cummington Street, Room 244
> Boston, MA 02215
> U.S.A.
> Telephone: (617) 353-3085
> e-mail: langconf at bu.edu
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