[EDLING:2006] Re: A web site about grammar teaching
Dr. Peter Bettinger
Bettinger-Rehlingen-Siersburg at T-ONLINE.DE
Sun Oct 29 14:19:37 UTC 2006
Dear colleague,
There seems to be something wrong with this web-site. As I am working on
what I call a paedagogical grammar I would greatly appreciate if you could
tell me the new address.
With very best wishes
Peter B
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Hudson" <dick at linguistics.ucl.ac.uk>
To: "edling" <edling at education.leeds.ac.uk>; "edling-L"
<edling at ccat.sas.upenn.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 9:02 PM
Subject: [EDLING:898] A web site about grammar teaching
> Dear Colleague,
> You may be interested in a new web-site about grammar - what it is, why it
> should be taught and how it should be taught - at
> www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/dick/kal/top.htm.
> I wrote it at the invitation of the team that runs the secondary schools
> in England, so it's focussed on the official policy as expressed in
> official documents. The immediate trigger for commissioning the work was a
> barrage of ill-informed criticism stimulated by a research review in late
> 2004 that claimed to have found that grammar teaching never benefits
> writing skills, so the main focus of the web site is on this question.
> Comments welcome, of course.
> With best wishes, Dick Hudson
> --
> Richard Hudson, FBA,
> Emeritus Professor of Linguistics,
> University College London
> www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/dick/home.htm
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