[EDLING:1828] CFP: Spanish in the US and Spanish in Contact with Other Languages
Francis M Hult
Fri Sep 1 23:40:29 UTC 2006
> Call for papers:
> 21st Conference on Spanish in the U.S. and 6th International
> Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages.
> March 15-18, 2007
> Co-hosted by George Mason University and the University of Maryland,
> the joint conferences will take place in Arlington, VA, approx. 2
> miles from Washington, DC, with easy Metro access to downtown DC.
> Conference webpage: http://spanishintheus.org
> Email: 2007 at SpanishintheUS.org
> Submission deadline: September 15, 2006
> Meeting Description
> Founded in 1980, the Spanish in the US Conference brings together
> researchers from various disciplines – such as linguistics,
> sociology, anthropology, education, and legal studies – investigating
> a wide range of topics related to Spanish and Spanish-speaking
> communities in the United States. Since 1991, the Spanish in the US
> Conference has been held in conjunction with the Spanish in Contact
> with Other Languages Conference, allowing productive connections
> between researchers focusing on the US context and researchers
> investigating the entire Spanish-speaking world. In recent years,
> interest and participation have increased dramatically, thanks to
> both the growing public and scholarly recognition of Spanish-speaking
> communities in the United States.
> Plenary speakers
> Carol Klee, University of Minnesota
> Luis Moll, University of Arizona
> Rachel Moran, University of California-Berkeley
> Alejandro Portes, Princeton University
> Roundtables
> In addition to plenary addresses and individual papers, the 2007
> conference will host two special roundtables designed to encourage
> interaction between academic researchers and professionals working
> outside of academia:
> – Spanish and the media, organized by María Carreira (California
> State University-Long Beach).
> – Educational policies and practices affecting Spanish in the US,
> organized by Ana Roca (Florida International University).
> Submissions are invited for papers on original, unpublished research
> on any area related to Spanish in the United States or Spanish in
> contact with other languages including but not limited to the
> following: bilingualism, educational policies and practices, formal
> aspects of US Spanish, heritage language learning and teaching,
> language and identity, language and the law, language change,
> language contact, language ideologies, language in politics and
> politics of language, language maintenance, language planning,
> language policy, language rights, linguistic variation, mass media
> and Spanish, Spanish in the professions, and Spanish and the economy.
> Papers may be given in Spanish or English, with papers in Spanish
> especially encouraged. Papers will be 20 minutes long followed by a
> 10 minute question period. Authors may submit a total of two
> abstracts, one individual and one joint. The publication of a volume
> of selected papers is planned.
> Abstract format and submission instructions
> Electronic submissions are strongly preferred. Abstract may be
> submitted in either Spanish or English, and should be sent as Rich
> Text Format (RTF) documents.
> (1) On the first page please include the following:
> • Paper title
> • Name, academic affiliation, mailing address, phone and fax
> numbers, and e-mail address of each author
> • Meeting for which the paper is intended (Spanish in the United
> States or Spanish in Contact)
> • Three keywords
> • A 50-75 word abstract to be included in the conference program if
> submission is accepted
> (2) On a separate page please include the following:
> • Paper title.
> • A 325-word anonymous abstract.
> • Word count (not including references)
> • Full references
> Submit abstracts as a single email attachment (NOT in the body of the
> email) to 2007 at SpanishintheUS.org
> Acknowledgment of receipt of the abstract will be sent by e-mail as
> soon as possible. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent to
> first authors by October 31, 2006. Pre-registration materials and
> preliminary schedule will be available at that time.
> While electronic submissions are strongly preferred, you may mail
> hard copy submission to:
> Spanish in the US/Spanish in contact
> Jiménez Hall 2202
> Department of Spanish and Portuguese/SLLC
> University of Maryland
> College Park, MD 20742
> All submissions must be received by September 15, 2006.
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