Francis M Hult
Mon Sep 25 15:05:51 UTC 2006
Call for Papers
EUROCALL is a professional organisation for the promotion of innovative research,
development and practice in the area of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and
Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) in education and training.
EUROCALL conferences bring together educators, researchers, administrators, materials
developers, government representatives, vendors of hardware and software, and others
interested in the field of CALL and TELL.
EUROCALL 2007 will be held in Coleraine, Northern Ireland on 5-8 September 2007
Conference Theme for EUROCALL 2007
Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Languages through Technology
managing multimedia environments
e-learning, collaborative learning and blended learning
new developments in the pedagogy of on-line learning
emerging technologies
the normalisation of CALL
transitional learning from school to university
research methodologies
EUROCALL 2007 particularly welcomes papers focusing on integrating new technologies
into language learning. Presentations focusing on any other aspect of CALL research,
development and practice are also welcomed, especially innovative uses both of
established and of leading-edge technologies.
We invite submissions for
Academic Papers
Show & Tell Presentations
Poster Presentations and
Postgraduate Poster Presentations.
Please specify under which category you wish your submission to be evaluated.
The deadline for submission is 31 January 2007. Please click here to fill in the
on-line submission form.
All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. Successful applicants will be notified
by 31 March 2007. Please note that submissions received after this deadline will not be
considered for acceptance.
Submissions can also be made for Pre-Conference Events (seminars and workshops). These
should be addressed to eurocall at ulster.ac.uk by 31 January 2007.
Guidelines for Presenters
To be read in conjunction with the joint EUROCALL, CALICO, IALLT Research Policy
(i) Academic Papers
An Academic Paper (approximately 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions) should meet
the following criteria for original academic research in the CALL field:
There should be a clearly stated topic of investigation, supported by a rationale.
The topic should be located with regard to other work in CALL and related fields, by
means of a literature or state-of-the-art review, which makes it clear what is original
about the current investigation.
There should be a coherent and appropriate method of investigation, in which the nature
of actual or potential findings, outcomes or products is clearly indicated.
Selected papers from the Conference will be published in ReCALL or in the EUROCALL
Newsletter. The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2007. Instructions are available
on this webpage.
(ii) Show & Tell Presentations
A Show & Tell Presentation (20 minutes approximately plus 10 minutes for questions) may
focus on a particular development or methodology, or it may describe work in progress.
It may emphasise practice rather than research, and may include a high proportion of
visual demonstration as opposed to theoretical argument, though this is not to say that
the above considerations should not be referred to. A Show & Tell Presentation is not
considered inferior to an Academic Paper, but the distinction is made to aid
participants to select which sessions they wish to attend.
(iii) Poster Presentations
A poster is a standing display which is designed to draw the attention of passers-by to
a project or area of work. A poster will usually focus on work in progress though this
is not to say that preliminary research or evaluation results should not be presented.
The information on a Poster should be succinct and to the point, the style should be
easy to read and the design should be attractive.
(iv) Postgraduate Poster Presentations
The post-graduate poster session (10 minutes approximately plus 10 minutes for
questions) will be similar to the above poster session but it will be dedicated to
post-graduate students in the early stages of their research. The session, which will
be allocated a room and a time in the conference programme, will provide post-graduate
students with the opportunity to discuss their research questions, theoretical
framework, and research design with other postgraduate students and more experienced
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