CFP: Human and Material Resources in Foreign Language Learning

Francis Hult francis.hult at UTSA.EDU
Mon Dec 17 17:28:46 UTC 2007




Universidad Católica San Antonio, Murcia (Spain)

17-18 July 2008


With the language learner at the very centre, human and material resources are two key elements that make up the language learning process. 


Regarding material resources, nowadays new technologies can be said to play a leading role in most language learning environments. However, we cannot forget that these relatively new tools still coexist with more traditional ones which are still widely used in the foreign language classroom. On the other hand, the progressive emergence of new 'human roles' in language learning means that human resources have also become a key medium through which the learner accesses knowledge and practice towards language acquisition.


Within this context, there is an obvious need to carry out research on these resources in order to assess their potential for an optimum learning experience. 



We welcome paper proposals in relation to the roles that any of the following can play in the language learning process:


1. Human resources

Native speakers 

Tandem learning 

Language advisors 

Language teachers 

Peer learners


2. Traditional resources

Paper-based: grammar books, textbooks, printed media... 

Audiovisual: video, cassette, DVD...


3. Computer-based resources



Electronic communication tools: forum, chat, e-mail...


These topics are only intended as an illustrative guide, but all paper proposals are assumed to represent original and unpublished work.


The official language of the conference is English.


Proposals for 20-minute papers (and 10-minute discussion) must include:

[i] Personal data (author's name, affiliation and e-mail address) and abstract (up to 150 words, including paper title) 

[ii] Full paper in English.


Papers will go through a double peer review process. Instructions for preparing the manuscript are available here <> .


Paper proposals should be sent by 11 April 2008 via e-mail to jsaura at; [i] and [ii] should be sent as separate .doc attachments (Word format). Please set the subject line of your e-mail to include the following reference: RFLL08-paper


Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted proposals will be mailed by 5 May 2008.


NB: Final papers will be delivered in electronic format to the Chair of the session. Please, do not email any final paper to the conference organisers, since papers not presented in the conference will not be considered for their publication.


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