Alaska: School board faces Native language issue

Francis Hult francis.hult at UTSA.EDU
Fri Dec 28 18:29:36 UTC 2007

The Dutch Harbor Fisherman


School board faces Native language issue


Next year may see the return of instruction in Unangam Tunuu - the Native language spoken by the indigenous people of the Aleutian Islands - in the Unalaska City School District.


That's the hope of Katherine McGlashan, an Unangan/Aleut herself, and an active group of Unalaska residents, including educators, former teachers, parents, the Museum of the Aleutians and Ounalashka Corp., the representative Alaska Native corporation.


"We as indigenous people would like the opportunity to be able to pass on traditions, values and the Unangan culture and language," wrote McGlashan in a September letter to Superintendent John Conwell.


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