[EDLING:2276] Japan: Patriotism a value inspired by language

Francis M. Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Sun Jan 21 16:57:01 UTC 2007

Daily Yomiuri

Patriotism a value inspired by language

Masakazu Yamazaki / Special to The Yomiuri Shimbun

Now that the new Fundamental Law of Education has been enacted, schools will be 
faced with unprecedented challenges, most particularly when tackling Article 2 
of the revised act that requires schools to instill in individuals a "respect 
for [Japan's] tradition and culture, and a love for the home and country that 
have served as a cradle for them." 

The concept of the article--which embodies an ideal--is perfectly reasonable. 
By any means, it raises no cause for concern about the nation's possible 
leaning to the right, or the emergence of ultranationalism. Indeed, the article 
emphatically states the need to "cultivate [students] that respect other 
countries and contribute to the peace and development of the international 
community." In this regard, there was little difference between the 
government's bill and that of the main opposition party, the Democratic Party 
of Japan. For this reason, debates in the Diet were very low-key in terms of 

Full Story

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