[EDLING:87] call for contributions

Leo VanLier lvanlier at MIIS.EDU
Mon May 7 20:05:27 UTC 2007

Dear colleagues:

My colleague Michel Gueldry at the Monterey Institute is  editing a book
on 'Integrating Languages and Cultures for the Professions.'  
"Professions" includes international trade, marketing, policy work, and
non-profit management, amongst others.  The book explores the integration
of languages and cultures with other disciplines, with an emphasis on
international studies, security studies, international business, marketing
(e.g., glocalization), policy studies, policy field work and management,
translation and interpretation, etc.

Contributions must be in American English. The deadline for a 2 to 3 page 
initial proposal is July 30, 2007. If interested, please read the attached
call for papers and feel free to email Michel at mgueldry at miis.edu.

Thank you.

Michel Gueldry, PhD
Associate Professor, French and European Union studies
Program Head, French and Francophone Studies
Monterey Institute of International Studies
460 Pierce Street
Monterey,  CA 93940
Tel (831) 647-3508
mgueldry at miis.edu

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