CFP: Uruguayan TESOL

Francis Hult francis.hult at UTSA.EDU
Wed Nov 21 20:26:06 UTC 2007





Celebrating our 20th anniversary


July  4-6, 2008 


Call for Participation


UrutesolĀ“s mission:


Our mission is to strengthen the effective teaching and learning of English in our country and around the world while respecting individuals' rights. To this end, we:


support and seek to inspire those involved in English language teaching, teacher education, administration and management, curriculum and materials design, and research, 

provide leadership and direction through the dissemination and exchange of information and resources, and 

encourage access to and standards for English language instruction and professional preparation. 



Topics of Interest


Participants from all TESOL contexts and related fields are invited to submit proposals. Particularly welcome are proposals related to next year's theme " Challenge and achievement", focusing on building communities of practice, inquiry and cooperation . URUTESOL also welcomes proposals concerning the future of the profession, especially those with a global perspective on professional development. Presentations on research in language teaching and learning and presentations using interactive formats that engage the audience and focus on classroom practices are also encouraged.





Types of Proposals


URUTESOL  invites proposals for papers,  demonstrations, workshops , colloquia and poster  session.



Deadline:      ( November 30, 2007 )


Paper (45 minutes): An oral summary, with occasional reference to notes or a text, that discusses the presenters work in relation to theory or practice. Handouts and audiovisual aids may be used.


Demonstration (45 minutes): Shows, rather than tells, a technique for teaching or testing The presenter should briefly explain the theory underlying the technique. The presenter provides handouts and may use audiovisual aids.


Workshop (1 hour, 30 minutes): A carefully structured, hands-on professional development activity. The leader helps participants solve a problem or develop a specific teaching or research technique.


Colloquium (1 hour, 30 minutes): A forum for a group of scholars to formally present and discuss current EFL and ESL issues. Presenters exchange papers in advance and formally respond to each other's positions. The colloquium organizer is responsible for securing participants who represent various viewpoints in the field before submitting a proposal. 


Poster Session: (45 minutes): A self-explanatory exhibit that allows for informal discussion with participants. 

The poster is to be mounted on a display board that includes a title, the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter(s), and a brief text with clearly labeled photos, drawings, graphs, or charts. Presenters are available for discussion. 





To submit your proposal via e- mail, please complete the following steps:


Send the completed, two-page proposal form and the  abstract for the academic committee by the appropriate deadline to urutesol at <mailto:urutesol at>  

URUTESOL must receive proposals by the due date, November 30, 2007. 

URUTESOL will send you an e-mail message to confirm receipt of your proposal. 


If your e-mail address changes after the submission of your proposal, send an e-mail message to urutesol at <mailto:urutesol at>   as soon as possible. 



Abstract for the Academic Committee


will not exceed 300 words. Proposals submitted with longer session descriptions will be disqualified. 

will have a clearly stated purpose and point of view 

will include supporting details and examples 

will contain evidence of current practices and/or research 

will use an appropriate format (e.g., paper, demonstration) 

will include a variety of techniques (e.g., activities, visuals) 

will show appropriate amount of material for the allotted time 

will demonstrate careful editing and proofreading 


The Convention Academic Committee seeks balance in 


range of topics 

level of expertise 

interests covered 

professional and geographic distribution of the participants 

relevance of the proposal to the needs of English language teaching professionals and the convention' s theme 



Another important factor is how well the abstract for the academic committee  is written. Abstracts should possess:  



clarity of purpose 



significance for the intended audience 

evidence of a high standard of research (if relevant) 


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