Norms in Educational Lingustics - Second call for papers and deadline extension
Thorsten Brato
Tue Apr 15 16:27:15 UTC 2008
Norms in Educational Linguistics
Linguistic, Didactic and Cultural Perspectives
University of Giessen
International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)
1 2 September 2008
In this first international Symposium for Young Researchers on Educational
Linguistics, we aim to
discuss the concept of norms from different perspectives before the backdrop
of current and
innovative research concepts in linguistics, language teaching and the study
of culture. Norms and the
related question of standards play a major role in the interplay of
language, culture, society and
education. The goal of this symposium is to describe, analyse and discuss
the concept of norms on
the basis of three topic areas:
* Language Policy as a Reflection of Cultural Norms
* Norm, Standard, Deviation
* Target Norms in Foreign-Language Teaching
In each of the blocks, three young researchers from different academic
backgrounds present their
viewpoint on the concept of norms in a 15-minute position paper. There
follows a plenary discussion
about how the combination of theories and methods used in linguistics,
teacher training and the study
of culture can foster innovative research projects in Educational
Linguistics. Each topic area is then
rounded off by a plenary lecture from an internationally renowned scholar.
The symposium closes
with a panel discussion among the keynote speakers and associates of the
Educational Linguistics
research network at the University of Giessen.
Further current research projects from these and all other areas of
Educational Linguistics can be
presented as part of a poster session.
We are happy to welcome the following keynote speakers:
* Prof. Richard Hudson (London)
* Prof. Frank Königs (Marburg)
* Prof. Bernard Spolsky (Ramat Gan)
The conference languages are English and German.
Please submit your abstract in English or German on our website: The deadline has been extended to 9 May
If you have any questions, please contact
Thorsten Brato
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Institut für Anglistik
Englische Sprachwissenschaft und
Geschichte der englischen Sprache
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10 B
35394 Giessen
Tel. +49 (0)641 - 99-300 65
Fax +49 (0)641 - 99-300 69
Email: nel08 at
Thorsten Brato
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Institut für Anglistik
Englische Sprachwissenschaft und
Geschichte der englischen Sprache
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10 B
35394 Gießen
Tel. +49 (0)641 - 99-300 65
Fax +49 (0)641 - 99-300 69
Email: Thorsten.Brato at <>
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