Scotland: Sharp rise in pupils lacking English 'could risk education of all children'

Francis Hult francis.hult at UTSA.EDU
Wed Feb 27 16:30:08 UTC 2008



Sharp rise in pupils lacking English 'could risk education of all children'


A HUGE rise in pupils who do not speak English as a first language is threatening to undermine the education of all children, teachers have warned.

In just a year, the number of children in Scottish schools who do not speak fluent English has risen by 61.5 per cent, according to Scottish Government figures published today.

The surge, particularly in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh, has been attributed to immigration, especially from Poland.

Local authorities are required, under the Additional Support for Learning Act, to meet the needs of all pupils, regardless of language.

Many teachers warn that they are finding it increasingly difficult to balance teaching those with no English, while educating the remainder within the curriculum without sufficient specialist support. New figures show there were 15,411 pupils identified as having English as an additional language in 2007 - a rise of 5,925 from 2006.


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