Montana: Blackfeet Language Institute aims at integrating Blackfeet language into school curricula

Francis Hult francis.hult at UTSA.EDU
Thu Jun 26 15:38:24 UTC 2008

Glacier Reporter


Blackfeet Language Institute aims at integrating Blackfeet language into school curricula


The Blackfeet Language Institute was held June 16-18 at the Blackfeet Head Start Multipurpose Room in Browning. The Institute was sponsored through Browning Public Schools' Blackfeet Native American Studies Department, and its main purpose was to develop Blackfeet word translations for classroom use.

Terminology in the areas of math, reading, music, technology and science was developed. Among those topics, the hardest content areas to develop were math and music because the Blackfeet language is descriptive so the translations were a bit longer.


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