Peter Martin's passing

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Tue Apr 28 13:48:31 UTC 2009

Forwarded from Ofelia García via lgpolicy-list at

We regret to inform all of you of the passing of a great sociolinguist and
language education policy expert. Peter Martin passed away on April 23,
2009. He was Professor of Education and Linguistics at the University of
East London. He taught at primary, secondary and tertiary levels in the UK
and in Brunei, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Saudi Arabia. He
previously worked at the University of Brunei Darussalam (1985-1998), and
at the University of Leicester (1998-2005).

Peter Martin's research interests and publications centered around the
issue of multilingualism, and the relation between language, culture and
identity. His early work, which emerged from a period of employment in
Southeast Asia looked at linguistic and sociolinguistic issues in
multilingual contexts, particularly on multilingualism within educational
contexts. This included classroom interaction, especially bilingual
classroom interaction, language policy, planning and practice, and new
Englishes. His later work focuses on multilingual classroom ecologies and
on complementary schools in England. He completed an ESRC-sponsored study
on multilingualism in complementary schools in four communities'. This
study (which involved the University of Birmingham, Birkbeck College
London, Kings College University and the University of East London) (i)
explored the social, cultural and linguistic significance of complementary
schools both within their communities and in the wider society; (ii)
developed the innovative ethnographic team methodologies used in a previous
project on complementary schools in Leicester, and (iii) contributed to
policy and practice in the inclusion of complementary schools in the wider
educational agenda. Peter Martin also worked on the interface between
language policy and practice in classrooms in post-colonial contexts. A
further strand of his research was on the sociolinguistics of Austronesian
language communities in Borneo, and the compilation of a dictionary of
Kelabit (a minority, unwritten language, spoken by around 5000 people in
the uplands of Borneo).

Sample publications:

Li Wei and Martin, P.W. (2009 Conflicts and Tensions in Classroom
Code-Switching. A special issue of The International Journal of Bilingual
Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 12 No. 2

Martin, P.W. (2008) Educational discourses and literacy in Brunei
Darussalam. International Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
11, 2, 206-225.

Creese, A., Bhatt, A., Bhojani, N. and Martin, P.W. (2008) Fieldnotes in
team ethnography: researching complementary schools. Qualitative Research.
Vol 8 (2) 223 - 242.

Creese, A., Martin, P.W. and Hornberger, N. (eds) (2007) Encyclopedia of
Language and Education. Volume 9. Ecology of Language. Springer Reference.

Creese, A. and Martin, P.W. (2007) Classroom Ecologies: A case study from a
Gujarati complementary school in England. pp 263-275 in Creese, A., Martin,
P.W. and Hornberger, N.

Martin, P.W., Bhatt, A., Bhojani, N. and Creese, A. (2007) Multilingual
learning stories in two Gujarati complementary schools in Leicester. pp
103-118. In Conteh, J., Martin, P.W. and Robertson, L.H. (eds)

Conteh, J., Martin, P.W. and Robertson, L.H. (2007) Multilingual Learning
Stories in Schools and Communities in Britain. Trentham Books. ISBN-13 978
1 85856 398 5

Conteh, J., Martin, P.W. and Robertson, L.H. (2007) Multilingual Learning
Stories in Schools and Communities in Britain: Issues and debates. pp.
1-22. In Conteh et al

Martin, P.W. (2007) Multilingualism of new minorities (in migratory
contexts). In P. Auer and Li Wei (eds) Handbook of Multilingualism and
Multilingual Communication. (pp. 493-508) Berlin: Mouton de Gryuter.

Creese, A. and P.W. Martin (2006) Linguistic diversity in the classroom: an
ecological perspective. NALDIC Quarterly 3, 3: 27-32.

Arthur, J. and P.W. Martin (2006) Accomplishing lessons in postcolonial
classrooms: comparative perspectives from Botswana and Brunei Darussalam.
Comparative Education 42, 2: 177-202.

Creese, A. and Martin, P.W. (eds) (2006) Introduction. Special Issues of
Language and Education on 'Interaction in Complementary School Contexts.
Developing Identities of Choice'. Language and Education 20, 1: 1-4.

Martin, P.W., Bhatt, A., Bhojani, N. and Creese, A. (2006) Managing
bilingual interaction in a Gujarati complementary school in Leicester.
Language and Education 20, 1: 5-22.

Creese, A., Bhatt, A., Bhojani, N. and Martin, P.W. (2006) Multicultural,
heritage and learner identities in complementary schools. Language and
Education 20, 1: 23- 43

Lin, A.M.Y. and P.W. Martin (eds) (2005) Decolonisation, Globalisation:
Language-in-Education Policy and Practice. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Martin, P.W. (2005) 'Safe' language practices in two rural schools in
Malaysia: tensions between policy and practice. In A.M.Y. Lin and P.W.
Martin (eds). (pp. 73-97)

Lin, A.M.Y. and Martin, P.W.(2005) From a critical deconstruction paradigm
to a critical construction paradigm: An introduction to Decolonisation,
Globalisation and Language-in- Education Policy and Practice. In Lin,
A.M.Y. and P.W. Martin (eds). (pp. 1-19)

Martin, P.W. (2005) Language shift and code mixing: a case study from
northern Borneo. Australian Journal of Linguistics 25, 1: 109-125.

Martin, P.W. (2005) Talking knowledge into being in an upriver primary
school in Brunei. In S. Canagarajah (ed) Local Knowledge, Globalization and
Language Teaching. Lawrence Erlbaum. (pp. 225-246).

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