Case Studies on Mother Tongue as Bridge Language of Instruction

Cynthia Groff cgroff at
Fri Aug 21 18:05:59 UTC 2009

From South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization:

"SEAMEO publishes a collection of language policies and case studies on mother tongue as bridge language of instruction from the eleven countries in Southeast Asia.

The publication, entitled "Mother tongue as bridge language of instruction: policies and experiences in Southeast Asia" was produced and published by the SEAMEO Secretariat in collaboration with the SEAMEO Member Countries. The publication is regarded as the most valuable output from the SEAMEO-World Bank Project on Mother Tongue.

The publication also includes general recommendations for mother tongue-based education in SEAMEO Member Countries.  It provides insights that may further strengthen each country’s policies concerning language of instruction as a way to achieve Education for All.  The compendium was officially launched during the 44th SEAMEO Council Conference in April 2009 in Phuket, Thailand.

The SEAMEO-led Project dubbed as "Mother Tongue as Bridge Language of Instruction in Southeast Asian Countries: Policy, Strategies and Advocacy" started in July 2007 and winds up in July 2009. It provided opportunity to explore how Southeast Asian countries, through appropriate language policies, can achieve Education for All (EFA) by widening access, reduce repetitions and drop-outs and improve learning outcomes.

An equally important output from the Project is the identification and documentation of several "good functioning" models in the use of mother tongue as bridge language of instruction in Southeast Asia. The sharing of the working models among the SEAMEO Countries led to a proposal to pilot some of the principles of the Pattani Malay-Thai model in some parts of Indonesia.

In an effort to disseminate the gains from the Project, advocacy and presentations were made at various international gatherings such as the Second International Conference on Language in July 2008; SEAMEO Annual Assemblies in 2008 and 2009 including the SEAMEO Council Conference, High Officials Meeting, Centre Directors Meeting, and other forums.

The World Bank provided financial support to the current two-year Project. Meanwhile, some SEAMEO Centres, namely SEAMEO INNOTECH, SEAMEO RELC and SEAMEO SPAFA assisted in various regional activities conducted under the Project. Moreover, various international non-governmental organizations such as the, SIL International, UNESCO, UNICEF, CARE Cambodia, CARE International, Save the Children and others offered technical assistance.

With the two-year implementation of the Project, significant awareness of the mother tongue issue was raised to a higher level among the SEAMEO Member Countries, partners, and other organizations that have been part of the Project.

Download "Mother tongue as bridge language of instruction: policies and experiences in Southeast Asia" (PDF, 13.9 Mb)

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