Indianapolis police, firefighters and dispatchers learning Spanish

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Mon Feb 23 18:45:28 UTC 2009

Indy Star


Indianapolis police, firefighters and dispatchers learning Spanish


The emergency run that motivated Mark Brown to learn Spanish still stands out in the firefighter's mind.


Brown, 48, was called to the home of a young Hispanic woman who was in labor in the early morning hours last summer. Because he didn't speak Spanish, and his patient spoke no English, he couldn't communicate with her or get important information.


Earlier this month, Brown became one of 15 police officers and firefighters to complete a 10-day Spanish-language immersion training, and he is preparing for a three-week stay in Mexico next month to put his language skills to use.


Both programs are the culmination of Badges Without Borders, a six-month curriculum offered through the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department that is designed to train firefighters, law enforcement <> officers and emergency dispatchers to communicate in Spanish.


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