CFP: English as an International Language Conference

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Tue Jul 21 13:52:42 UTC 2009

Via AAAL...
The English as an International Language Journal, supported by the Asian
EFL Journal and Dokuz Eylul University announce the inaugural
International EIL Conference to be held in Izmir Turkey in October 2009.

Invited speakers are:

Prof. Sandra L. McKay (USA)
Prof. Cem Alptekin (Turkey)
Prof. John Fanselow (USA)
Prof. Roger Nunn (UK)
Prof. Gül Durmusoglu (Turkey)
Prof. Z.N. Patil (India)
Dr. Bradley Horn (USA)
Dr. Paul Robertson (Aust)
Dr. Ahmet Acar (Turkey)


Proposals (up to 250 words) for 30 minute presentations should be related
to :-
1. EIL -English as an International Language
2. General ELT themes: new trends in approaches, methods and techniques;
syllabus design, textbook evaluation, the role of culture in language
teaching, the use of literature in language teaching etc.

Suggested topics are but not limited to:-

*The growth of English as an International Language
*EIL & Culture
*Cultural impact of teaching EIL students
*Teaching English as an International language
*Teaching teachers to teach EIL students
*Teaching English grammar to other EIL nations
*Second language acquisition theories & research

*Poster sessions

Abstracts in English should be sent to asianefl at by 31st August
2009 and should include the following information:

1. Author's full name and title.
2. Author's affiliation and address.
3. E-mail contact address.
4. Title of the paper
5. Abstract (up to 250 words)

Notification of acceptance will be given from August 31st onwards

A Conference Proceedings edition will be published in early 2010 and for
this purpose full papers should be submitted by January 30th 2010 to
asianefl at


Dr. Ahmet Acar
Dokuz Eylül University
Buca School of Education
Department of English Language Teaching
Izmir / TURKEY

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