Master's programme "Learning and Development in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts", University of Luxembourg

Gudrun Ziegler gudrun.ziegler at
Sun May 10 20:53:33 UTC 2009

Dear colleagues, please forward the attached information to interested  
candidates, aplogies for crosspostings, kind regards, Gudrun Ziegler
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Master's programme "Learning and Development in Multilingual and  
Multicultural Contexts", University of Luxembourg
Registration open for the Academic Year 2009/2010: deadlines and  
information sessions
The trilingual MA study programme "Learning and Development in  
Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts" was launched in 2007 to offer  
an innovative applied research track for investigating issues,  
methodologies and theoretical frameworks for dealing with learning and  
development in and through multilingualism, multiculturalism and  
diversity. Currently, students from more than 30 different nations  
from four continents participate in this programme in educational  
sciences. Prerequisites are a completed three-year degree (or  
equivalent) at a university, the functional mastery of two of the  
three academic languages (English, French, German) as well as the  
submission of a personalized application file.
Successful candidates for the study programme demonstrate motivation  
and interest in individual as well as organisational learning,  
development and mediation processes in today's age of diversity,  
information management and international mobility. The previous degree  
can be earned in a wide range of fields. Applicants have had  
backgrounds in educational sciences, computer sciences, applied  
linguistics, communication sciences, psychology, organisational  
development, business administration, political sciences, marketing  
and tourism.
The study programme gives students a unique opportunity to develop  
their own profile as learner, actor and innovator in complex, multi- 
facetted developmental processes. The four pillars of the study  
programme combine and contrast case-based analyses with regard to  
media and socio-cultural shaped learning and communication processes,  
information brokering and information design, multilingualism and its  
integration into the educational landscape, multimodality and  
knowledge transfer.
Experts from Luxembourg and abroad hold seminars and thus allow  
students to gain broad knowledge about current research trends and  
debates in the discussed fields. Furthermore, the academic programme  
that can be studied in two (full-time) or four years (part-time)  
includes international master classes jointly organised with  
complementary study programmes in the United Kingdom, France, Germany  
and Switzerland as well as workshops with business partners and  
educational institutions. Each student also receives an academic  
mentor for the duration of the study programme.
Please refer to the web site of the Master ''Learning and Development  
in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts'' 
  for more information on the application procedure, application  
deadlines (30.5. and 28.8. respectively), the study programme as well  
as public events organised by the programme and information sessions  
(May 13; June 24) during the next months. The coordination of the  
programme can be reached by sending an email to emilie.mutombo at  
or gudrun.ziegler at
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