Book: Handbook of Educational Linguistics (paperback release)
Francis Hult
francis.hult at
Tue Mar 2 19:41:20 UTC 2010
***Now Available in Paperback***
The Handbook of Educational Linguistics
Edited by Bernard Spolsky & Francis M. Hult
ISBN: 978-1-4443-3104-2
Paperback; US $54.95
704 pages
February 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
"This is not just another Handbook! It is a foundational contribution to the entire field of linguistics and to its rapidly proliferating subdisciplines..."
--Walt Wolfram, North Carolina State University
The Handbook of Educational Linguistics is a dynamic, scientifically grounded overview revealing the complexity of this growing field while remaining accessible for students, researchers, language educators, curriculum developers, and educational policy makers.
* A single volume overview of educational linguistics, written by leading specialists in its many relevant fields
* Takes into account the diverse theoretical foundations, core themes, major findings, and practical applications of educational linguistics
* Highlights the multidisciplinary reach of educational linguistics
* Reflects the complexity of this growing field, whilst remaining accessible to a wide audience
1 Introduction: What is Educational Linguistics? (Bernard Spolsky).
2 The History and Development of Educational Linguistics (Francis M. Hult).
Part I Foundations for Educational Linguistics.
3 Neurobiology of Language Learning (Laura Sabourin and Laurie A. Stowe).
4 Psycholinguistics (William C. Ritchie and Tej K. Bhatia).
5 Linguistic Theory (Richard Hudson).
6 Sociolinguistics and Sociology of Language (Rajend Mesthrie).
7 Linguistic Anthropology (Stanton Wortham).
8 The Political Matrix of Linguistic Ideologies (Mary McGroarty).
9 Educational Linguistics and Education Systems (Joseph Lo Bianco).
Part II Core Themes.
Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Education.
10 The Language of Instruction Issue: Framing an Empirical Perspective (Stephen L. Walter).
11 Bilingual and Biliterate Practices at Home and School (Iliana Reyes and Luis C. Moll).
12 Vernacular Language Varieties in Educational Settings: Research and Development (Jeffrey Reaser and Carolyn Temple Adger).
13 Linguistic Accessibility and Deaf Children (Samuel J. Supalla and Jody H. Cripps).
14 Identity in Language and Literacy Education (Carolyn McKinney and Bonny Norton).
15 Post-colonialism and Globalization in Language Education (Hyunjung Shin and Ryuko Kubota).
Language Education Policy and Management.
16 Levels and Goals: Central Frameworks and Local Strategies (Brian North).
17 Language Acquisition Management Inside and Outside the School (Richard B. Baldauf Jr., Minglin Li, and Shouhui Zhao).
18 Language Cultivation in Developed Contexts (JirĂ Nekvapil).
19 Language Cultivation in Contexts of Multiple Community Languages (M. Paul Lewis and Barbara Trudell).
20 Ecological Language Education Policy (Nancy H. Hornberger and Francis M. Hult).
21 Education for Speakers of Endangered Languages (Teresa L. McCarty, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, and Ole Henrik Magga).
22 The Impact of English on the School Curriculum (Yun-Kyung Cha and Seung-Hwan Ham).
Literacy Development.
23 Literacy (Glynda A. Hull and Gregorio Hernandez).
24 Vernacular and Indigenous Literacies (Kendall A. King and Carol Benson).
25 Religious and Sacred Literacies (Jonathan M. Watt and Sarah L. Fairfield).
26 Genre and Register in Multiliteracies (Mary Macken-Horarik and Misty Adoniou).
Acquiring a Language.
27 Order of Acquisition and Developmental Readiness (Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig and Llorenç Comajoan).
28 Language Socialization (Kathleen C. Riley).
29 Interlanguage and Language Transfer (Peter Skehan).
30 Second Language Acquisition and Ultimate Attainment (David Birdsong and Jee Paik).
31 Explicit Form-Focused Instruction and Second Language Acquisition (Rod Ellis).
Language Assessment.
32 Language Assessments: Gate-Keepers or Door-Openers? (Lyle F. Bachman and James E. Purpura).
33 Diagnostic and Formative Assessment (Ari Huhta).
34 Accountability and Standards (Alan Davies).
35 Scales and Frameworks (Neil Jones and Nick Saville).
36 Nationally Mandated Testing for Accountability: English Language Learners in the US (Micheline Chalhoub-Deville and Craig Deville).
Part III Research-Practice Relationships.
37 Task-Based Teaching and Learning (Teresa Pica).
38 Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Instruction (Susan M. Conrad and Kimberly R. LeVelle).
39 Interaction, Output, and Communicative Language Learning (Merrill Swain and Wataru Suzuki).
40 Classroom Discourse and Interaction: Reading Across the Traditions (Lesley A. Rex and Judith L. Green).
41 Computer Assisted Language Learning (Carol A. Chapelle).
42 Ecological-Semiotic Perspectives on Educational Linguistics (Leo van Lier).
43 The Mediating Role of Language in Teaching and Learning: A Classroom Perspective (Francis Bailey, Beverley Burkett, and Donald Freeman).
44 A Research Agenda for Educational Linguistics (Paola Uccelli and Catherine Snow).
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